The Odyssey English 9 Review
Time Line of Events As Told by Homer Chronological Calypso’s Island King Alcinous’ court (Phaeacia) Cicones Lotus Eaters Cyclops Troy (10 years) Cicones Lotus Eaters Cyclops
Literary Techniques Review Questions
The story is told from the middle. What is that term? IN MEDIA RES
What device does homer use to give the reader a memory of events? FLASHBACK
Review of Events As told by homer
Calypso’s Island Odysseus has been held captive on Calypso’s island for 7 years Athena has begged Zeus to make Calypso let Odysseus go Athena is Odysseus’ spiritual aid He agrees Hermes delivers the message Calypso lets Odysseus go, and he is given a raft and provisions
Phaeacia Odysseus leaves Calypso’s island Poseidon creates a storm Athena and a sea nymph save him He is found by King Alcinous’ daughter He is taken to Phaeacia and is treated with great HOSPITALITY (Greek value) He begins his story of his journey THE REMAINDER OF PART 1 IS ODYSSEUS TELLING HIS STORY TO THOSE AT KING ALCINOUS’ COURT
Island of the Cicones Attack the people of the island for goods The Cicones retaliate and kill many of Odysseus’ men
The Lotus Eaters Odysseus and his men need water He sends 3 men to find out who lives on the island The men do not return – they have eaten the lotus which makes them forget about home Odysseus retrieves them, ties them up, and continues on the journey
The Cyclops