Territorial Acknowledgement VU10 “Prepare the Way of the Lord” Prayer of Approach VU17 “O Ancient Love” Scripture Readings MV19 “Maranatha” Sermon Solo:


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Presentation transcript:

Territorial Acknowledgement VU10 “Prepare the Way of the Lord” Prayer of Approach VU17 “O Ancient Love” Scripture Readings MV19 “Maranatha” Sermon Solo: 23rd Psalm Prayers of the People MV175 “May We But Wait” Communion VU460 “All Who Hunger” VU29 “Hark the Glad Sound” VU466 “Eat This Bread” VU11 Advent Prayer VU9 “People Look East” Blessing Presider & Preacher: Rev. Christine Smaller Wednesday November 23, 2016

VU 10 “Prepare the Way of the Lord”

O come, o come, Emmanuel to the empty handed and the heavy hearted, to the despairing and the despised. Enter this world, giving love to the lowly and hope to the downcast. Dwell among us and teach us your ways, saving the lost and strengthening the weak. Be made incarnate within us, that we might cast away fear and live boldly by faith. With gratitude that you come to be with us, we worship joyfully this day. Amen.

VU 17 “O Ancient Love”

MV 19 “Maranatha” Maranatha, maranatha, come Lord Jesus, come.

MV 19 “Maranatha” Maranatha, maranatha, come Lord Jesus, come.

Prayers of the People Sung Response: MV 175 “May We but Wait” May we but wait upon Love’s word, knowing our prayer is heard.

VU 460 “All Who Hunger” Image courtesy of Supertrooper at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

God be with you. And also with you. Lift up your hearts God be with you. And also with you. Lift up your hearts. We lift them up to God. Let us give thanks to God. It is good to give God thanks and praise.

VU 29, “Hark the Glad Sound,” verse 4: Our glad hosannas, Prince of Peace, your welcome shall proclaim; and heaven’s eternal arches ring with your beloved name.

Sung response ~ Tune: VU 29 Sing Christ has died and Christ is ris’n, and Christ will come again!

Sung response ~ Tune: VU 29 Amen, amen, O Holy One! Hosanna and Amen!

VU 466 “Eat This Bread”

Prayer after Communion: VU 11 “An Advent Prayer”

VU 9 “People Look East”