English for Int’l Communication When there is a will, there is a way. WORLDPRO English for Int’l Communication A Classroom Discourse 1 No one is too old to learn. When there is a will, there is a way. Good luck.
from International Communication to Classroom Discourse Practice the small talk in the welcome note to make a good contact with the students, inside or outside the classroom. Hello, Students. My name is AB. Please call me A or Mr. B. I am from (City, Country). Note: Mr. ; Mrs. ; Miss ; Ms. What is your name? Where are you from?
What is your name? See you tomorrow! (1) What is your name? What is her name? What are their names? Note: I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they Note: my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their (2) How do you spell your name? Note: A, B, C, D, … Z. See you tomorrow! Practice: T: Goodbye. See you tomorrow. S: See you. Take it easy. Note: DAYS OF THE WEEK Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Have a nice weekend! Practice: T: Goodbye, Students! S: Thanks. You, too! Have a nice weekend, Mr. B.
Greeting&Goodbye Greeting someone: (1) Hi! (2) Hello! (3) Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening! (4) How are you? (5) How do you do? (2) Saying goodbye: (1) Bye! Bye-bye! (2) Goodbye! (3) Good night! (4) See you tomorrow! (5) Have a nice weekend!
Practice the numbers on page 12 remember the difference Note: Practice the numbers on page 12 remember the difference between 13 and 30! thirteen – thirty etc.
Practice and improve the expressions below: Stating an opinion Practice and improve the expressions below: 1. In my opinion this is very difficult. 2. I think this is very difficult. 3. According to me, this is very difficult. 4. According to John, this is very difficult. 5. I agree with this (+) I do not agree with this (-) 6. I don’t think I agree with this (- but polite)
Practice and improve the expressions below: Asking for an opinion Practice and improve the expressions below: 1. What do you think? 2. What do you say? 3. What do you think of this problem? 4. What is your opinion on this? 5. Do you agree with this? 6. Why do you think so?
Asking questions What is your name? What is your address? What is your phone number? What is it? What kind is it? How much is it? How many (students) are there?
Giving a Compliment Practice and improve these expressions of compliment: (1) That’s great, A! (2) That’s right, A! (3) That’s very good, A! (4) That’s correct, A! (5) That’s a good point, A! (6) I agree with you, A!
Closing a Session and, if possible, improve them: Practice the expressions for closing a session below and, if possible, improve them: 1. Well, students. I think that is enough for today. Thank you for coming to my class. 2. Okay, students. You have been doing great. Thank you for being in my class today. 3. Alright, students. Time is up. It’s time to stop. Thank you for joining my class today. 4. Well, students. We should stop now. You have been great today. Thank you.
Classroom Setting 1 [a first-meeting lesson] (1) Greet your students in a friendly manner. (2) Introduce yourself and make some introductions with your students. (3) Select a topic and ask for your students’ opinions. Do not forget to give compliments. (4) State your own opinion but do not take sides. (5) Pick out some more topics and do the same as in (3) and (4). (6) Close the session. (7) Say goodbye to your students.