Status of Charter and Code implementation at UiO 19.1.2010 Norwegian Research Council seminar: How to attract and retain excellent researchers? Status of Charter and Code implementation at UiO Aleksandra W. Haugstad, project manager Organisation and Personnel Dept., UiO
Setting a new HR agenda A ”lucky” coincidence in the summer of 2009: UiO ratifies the Charter and Code and joins HRS4R pilot group Start of revision of overall strategy for the university Gap-analysis for CC = basis for strategy revision in HR area Motivation and inspiration from pilot group Focus on HR in UiOs new ”Strategy 2020” HR Action Plan for Academic Staff 2010-2012 «HR Excellence in Research» acknowledgement in 2010 Status on implementation of C&C at respective institution(internal analysis, action plans, activities) Used the CC focus on researchers' need for professional development in strategy work How to balance the national and tradition at odds with UiOs strategic needs? UiO used the CC to refocus the HR-policy Academic staff includes researchers, phd students, postdoctors. Top -down approach UiO used the CC to refocus the HR-policy towards researchers special needs Results: the marriage of Charter&Code with the new institutional strategy
The new HR-agenda at UiO Recruitment – active and in compliance with the European Code Follow-up of temporary researchers – career development, generic skills, mobility Professional development for all academic staff Protected research time – balance between teaching and research The Action Plan for Academic Staff will in the period 2010-2012 focus on: Recruitment Goal: In order for the University in 2012 to engage in more strategic, coherent and active recruitment, the process of recruitment must be professionalised and recruitment skills improved at all levels. The primary strategic goal of the University is to strengthen its international position as a leading research university towards the year 2020. A key prerequisite for achieving this goal is quality in recruitment. This requires a broad recruitment base with an international focus and a clear gender equality profile. Professional Development Goals: In 2012 the University will have good leadership at all levels. A recognizable leadership culture will be established. All academic staff should be given the opportunity for personal and professional development. The goals are to be achieved through active leadership development and competence development. A primary goal in Strategy 2020 is that the University of Oslo personnel policy will protect the interests of all categories of employees and offer good opportunities for personal and professional development. Strategy 2020 focuses on quality; an increased focus on quality requires better leadership at all levels of the University of Oslo. Academic Staff on Fixed-term Contracts Goal: In 2012 the University will have an active policy for staff on fixed-term contracts to ensure good follow-up and increased predictability. One goal of Strategy 2020 is to ensure the satisfactory follow-up of academic employees on fixed-term contracts through career advice and skills development. A further objective is to strengthen and develop research training to make it more attractive internationally. Protected Research Time Goal: In 2012 the University academic staff will have more protected research time. This will be achieved through more concentrated teaching schedules and stronger education management. One objective of Strategy 2020 is to ensure that the University academic staff achieve a proper balance between research, teaching and other activities. The University's ambition is to improve research quality, and this can only be achieved by securing more protected research time.
Why do we implement CC? Institutional goals and ambitions – how can HR-policies contribute Good principles – based on the needs and demands of research activity Inspirational to share experiences and exchange good-practice on national and European levels Why invest time and resources on implementing C&C?
Challenges ahead A new demography Research is increasingly competitive and externally funded Reseachers face new demands for professional skills, competence and mobility Need a concerted national action, involving all major stakeholders What are the challenges related to implementation of C&C? Sharing experiences can be done in heterogenous settings – in Norway the research council has set up a group where only the biggest universities are included. That can only take us so far – a broader alliance is needed it mobility (international, regional, intrasectorial) is to increase.