International Masterclasses WG update International Masterclasses Uta Bilow, Ken Cecire 5th IPPOG meeting – 5.4.2013, Fermilab
International Masterclasses 2013 New countries: Romania Turkey Cyprus Palestine Egypt Australia 37 countries!
Statistics 25.2. – 22.3.2013 (22 days) 161 MCs (Fermilab-based: 29) ALICE: 10 ATLAS W: 55 ATLAS Z: 58 (12) CMS: 38 (17) 37 VCs with CERN (12) 130 institutes registered (29) + local Masterclasses, teachers´ days ~ 10 % growth for 2013 Further growth extended period Investigate with countries preferred period
Registration / Scheduling Quite demanding with 130 institutes and 5 measurements New procedure via doodle Predefined slots, each limited to 5 participants procedure for registration will be announced beforehand Separate doodles for each measurement (clearly structured) Special procedure might be necessary for measurements with few institutes
Measurements All measurements and datasets available on webpage ATLAS paths: Translations by IPPOG from Nov on Additional material available on webpage: Guides for Tutors more supporting material NEW: Question time via Vidyo (1 h each measurement), well received Information for moderators (manual and twiki) NEW: ISO file replacing DVD
Video Conferences CERN-based: Test period 4.2. – 15.2. (Vidyo support team) 86 institutes tested (14 new institutes) WG VC (Kate, Michael, Laurenz†, Uta), preparing: Manuals for VC for local organisers Manual and twiki for moderators Training for mod. at CERN 18.2. Rooms (teachers´ lab, CMS centre) 33 Moderators! Reward: Free Polar from the CERN shop (thanks to Maureen and Rolf!) Evaluation in progress, very positive feedback so far Vidyo worked well Institutes are clearly better trained in 2013 Still lacking: chat, visual indication of speaker Fermilab-based: Crew of 3-4: Facilitator Moderator (FNAL/ANL) Tech (Featured scientist) Icebreaker questions No quiz Vidyo worked well. No “bad” videoconferences
External Communication / Media Press release English/German (incl. section for local activities) Distributed via institutes, DESY,, … For media coverage see „In the media“ webpage Facebook > 1000 likes, few posts Encourage students to use it more? How?
Summary Tools improved, better combination, no last-minute aid Very positive feedback, esp. from newcomers „smooth as silk“, „great“, „excellent“ „very nice opportunity to share our science with young students and it also produces some common goals for our team of researchers“ Most feedback on VC: too long / too short, earlier / later
Organisation Funding/Support Central organisation at TU Dresden Michael Kobel, Uta Bilow, student assistant Coordination Fermilab-based MCs Ken Cecire WG Video conference Kate Shaw, Michael Hauschild, Laurenz Widhalm†, Uta Bilow SG (Steering group) Farid Ould-Saada, Michael Kobel, Ken Cecire, Pete Watkins, Despina Hatzifotiadou, Yiota Foka, Ralf Averbeck, Uta Bilow Acknowledge SG and WG VC (role, members) on webpage Coordination Uta: from 2013 on funded by CERN (for 3 years) Ken: QuarkNet Student assistants: TU Dresden Funding from EPS HEPP Division in kind contributions (CERN, Fermilab, Vidyo team, moderators, …)
ATLAS W Measurement Feedback: Decision tree helpful New online spreadsheet had some problems but improving Need W+/W- explanation WW hard to explain without clear result – statistics Web pages a little awkward for institutes analyzing more than on data set
ATLAS Z measurement Worked well “out of the box” Late changes Improve documentation and measurements Will discuss web-based version of HYPATIA with Christine Need to streamline method of changing website
CMS W/Z measurement New: H4l candidates one spreadsheet Smooth data transfer; moderator job simpler Expressions of satisfaction with improvement Interference and EditGrid glitches
ALICE Strange Particle Search ALICE Masterclass growing Two parts Invariant mass histograms Particle yields Strangeness enhancement Shift toward PbPb collisions Both visual and large statistics analysis Better idea of what analysis is like Students understood not all the physics but what a physicist is More interesting than last year
ALICE RAA Measurement Compare unidentified charged particle momentum spectra in pp and Pb-Pb collisions Visual analysis Not too difficult Large scale analysis Challenging Student “code shock” To do: Simplify large scale analysis Improve documentation
TOTEM proposed measurement “Event Display” For 2013 not yet in time with the “official”. However, starting an “internal-pilot” program. The analysis code is ready and very easy to use. Issues remain for design
LHCb proposed measurement Measure lifetime of D0 Mass distribution fit Find background Measure lifetime Developed GUI – needs to be simplified Hope for approval this year – tests encouraging 16
World Boson Day (working title) One 24 hr period Moderators “on shift” at CERN and Fermilab Institutes, including (especially?) schools connect at good times for them. Involve new students/teachers/groups plus previous institutes What and how? Measurement? No measurement? Central activity? May 2013….or wait a year? Still brainstorming
Mandate Steering Group Document defining mandate and duties of the group Draft was prepared and discussed Basic idea: SG = collaborating to keep the quality of the program Members: Head, Coordination, representatives from measurements, other consultants ensuring adequate knowledge
Approval of Measurements for IMC Need for a defined procedure to smoothly include new or modified measurements Draft was prepared and discussed Preliminary remarks on IMC Guidelines, e.g.: include event displays Adapt tools and programs to high-school students Real data from experiments Result leads to insight, answer physics questions Procedure, e.g.: mandatory pilot tests evaluation clear deadlines