Worked Example Fill in particulars (teams, venue, date, players, time) First over: Hayden on strike to Anderson, Langer is at the non-strikers end No run No Ball and batsmen complete 2 runs from a shot played Batsman caught by Prior (and did not cross) - new batsman is Ponting Wide Ball and batsmen run 3 runs Batsman (striker) run out by Bell (batsmen crossed) – new batsman is Clarke 2 runs (umpire signals one short) 1 Leg bye
Worked Example cont’ Over 2, new bowler Broad 2 runs scored Bye 6 runs indicated by umpire No runs Batsman caught by Strauss (batters run 2 runs whilst ball is in air) – new batsman is Hussey Batsman run out by Cook attempting to complete 3rd run – new batsman is Symonds 3rd over delivered by Anderson, boundary scored off final ball
End of first over Record score at end of first over (2 wickets for 9 team runs). Mark bowler number Bowling analysis calculated: Bowler gets credit for single wicket (run out is a team wicket) Bowler accounts for 8 runs (nb. Byes and leg byes are not counted against bowler. New Bowler allocated next available bowler number. Check bowler name!!
Batsman run out attempting 3rd run End of 2nd Over Batsman innings closed off. Score tallied and details of dismissal entered. Nb. Batsman completed 2 runs before run out Record score at end of 2nd over (4 wickets for 20 team runs). Mark bowler number Record FOW details “R” or “X” entered in bowling analysis. Nb. Bowler does not get credit for wicket! 1- 10 recorded against bowler
4 off final ball of over, no other runs Five dots and 4 runs recorded for scorer. Record score at end of 3rd over (4 wickets for 24 team runs). 4 runs marked off against team score 5 dots and a 4 entered against bowler. Nb. Cumulative tally 1-12 against bowler summary
Balancing the book = Runs scored by all batsmen Runs scored against all bowlers = + byes, leg byes, wides and no-balls + byes, leg byes, only