Center for Performance Management Strategic Planning Session Wichita Hyatt Regency September 20, 2011 – 8:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. 1
Welcome and Overview of Planning Session 2
Update on NPHII and Kansas 3 Current Grants and Contracts Performance Management Team Meetings Implementation of Performance Management Meetings KDHE Strategic Planning
NPHII Categories of Work: What determines success? 4 Cyndi Minimal training for all KDHE employees Core PH Standards, essential services, PM, QI Champion in each Bureau / Division for QI KDHE training recommendations from P. Clayton, B. Skidmore, C. Treaster – convene teams from each Bureau to assure their training / conference align with essential services / competencies “Force” more efficient, effective training Champions need training, time
NPHII Categories of Work: What determines success? 5 Mindee Each bureau identify performance measures for all work they do Display all data / activities in e-QIPM Policies: similar to KERI expectations for employees... Everyone has a role to play Internal agency work group from all Divisions to discuss / agree on competencies / essential services to be included in all work Marketing strategy to do the work Need more people to serve as champions People who are excited / enthused about the process
NPHII Categories of Work: What determines success? 6 Jane Identify for KDHE Divisions the essential services / standard Translate essential services into all Divisions What is the impact of the work each person does on population-based health? What are the cost-savings of public health? This is important role for Division of HCF at KDHE Data has to be pushed out to public, KDHE Divisions Training for local health officers in counties, Boards of Health What is public health and your role as...” Training for all personnel in LHD on public health... How does your role impact public health Provide specific training for LHD KDHE must assure LHD have practical resources Messaging of Public Health, Quality Improvement, Performance Management... How to deliver messages
NPHII Categories of Work: What determines success? 7 Linda Performance evaluations / personnel – essential services / standards in position descriptions New employees are oriented to Public Health / identify training needed and develop a personal learning plan (KS-TRAIN) States that have moved PH forward, including PM/QI, have that in policy / statute Linda is currently researching states that have policy
NPHII Categories of Work: What determines success? 8 Tatiana Perception as extra work... How to integrate into daily work Buy in for tools for QI/PM challenging. Need training on QI process Practical “how to use” in daily practice – target internal processes, demonstrate application Identify methods to delivery messages Communication package – what is the best way to communicate to audiences? County commissioner champions Medical Officer champions? Center announcement – how do people know what the Center is? Incentives beyond funding: Title changes Additional personal leave Flex time Thank you letters / certificates Sessions of employee development Survey of KDHE employees? What would be an incentive be for your to be a PM / QI champion? Survey Monkey... How to engage a variety of people that may not typically volunteer
NPHII Categories of Work: What determines success? 9 Michelle LHD perceive things as “extra work”, “great to do, but no time” Have lots to do, little time / resources Educating policy makers about public health What is public health? If policy makers do not understand what public health is, they will not provide funding. KALHD will be educating county commissioners Facilitation of engaging policy makers in a conversation.
Review of Logic Model 10
Developing a Vision and Mission for the Center Vision Statement Mission Statement 11 Healthier people in Kansas served by a strong, sustainable integrated public health system. To integrate performance management and quality improvement into daily public health work using evidence to track progress and drive decision-making.
Website Resources 12 What is needed by local health departments? Samples of job and position descriptions Tools to assist with PM / QI Logic Models Public Health Institute Quality Improvement Tools Accreditation Sharing place for local health departments? PM / QI Short links / short descriptions
Website Resources 13 What is needed by KDHE?
Thoughts on a Facebook Page? 14 No... Too time consuming
Developing a Performance Management System 15 E-QIPM Local Health Departments Currently used by regional preparedness KDHE Each program will identify performance measures Contract with KHI for license Who is responsible? Tatiana will check with Gianfranco Meeting to be held to identify use of e-QIPM
NPHII Year One & Year Two Projects Current Projects 2010 Planned Projects KS-TRAIN enhancements e-QIPM Training KDHE Strategic Planning Implementation Healthy Communities Network Launch / Implementation KU Community Toolbox Training KS-TRAIN Instructional Design Training KIC Upgrade
Planning and Prioritizing Projects A review of current and future projects 17
Planning and Prioritizing Projects & Cost Consideration Future Activities Needed Future Activities / Projects Desired 18 Evaluation of Projects e-QIPM Contract Contract with KHI Training KDHE on Core Public Health Functions, Ten Essential Services, & PHAB KS-TRAIN Instructional Design Healthy Communities Network KU Community Tool Box Community Health Assessments State Health Assessment Accreditation Preparation Discussion related to process for State agency Accreditation readiness Cost of accreditation
Evaluation of Projects 19 KS-TRAIN KIC Healthy Communities Network Kansas Practice-Based Research Network (K-PBRN) Grant Discussed HCN system in grant application by G. Pezzino / Ruth Wetta-Hall
Who are our partners and teams for implementing PM / QI Work? 20
State Health Assessment Planning See Mini Grant Application in Folder 21
Ideas on State Health Assessment Planning 22
What is needed by Center for Performance Management? 23
Public Health Work "Never doubt that a small group of concerned citizens can change the world. Indeed it's the only thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead 24
Next Steps 25 Copy of PowerPoint work will be sent to all participants
Thank you For your participation is the Center for Performance Management’s Strategic Planning Session 26