Department of Historical Sociology Faculty open House, Jan 17 2018
What is historical sociology? Historical Sociology is an interdisciplinary science, which cooperates primarily with the fields of history, anthropology, political science, and economy. It could be defined as a specific theoretic and methodological field focused on long-term social processes, as well as on analysis of differences and similarities between different historical epochs.
Key topics of Historical Sociology: modernization; social change; civilizational analysis; religious and cultural pluralities; state and nation making; formation of world systems, integrative and disintegrative processes; globalizing trends.
Historical Sociology: The aim of Historical Sociological research is the study of issues of long-term social processes and trends that have a significant impact on contemporary societies and phenomena. The M.A. Historical Sociology cultivates research activities and the education of experts with an emphasis on the specialisation of these processes.
Profile of a Graduate: Graduates will have covered both theoretical topics as well as practical and research based topics: historical-sociological knowledge from the social, cultural, religious, political and economic spheres practical and research-based skills (professional skills based on managing the basic approaches of quantitative and qualitative historical-sociological research methodology).
Profile of a Graduate: The combination of both theoretical and practical fields: employment both in the academic sphere (i.e., universities and research institutions) and in the non-academic sphere (i.e. in state administration, NGO’s, agencies, consultancy firms, educational institutions, cultural organisations and in the media)
Study programs of historical sociology: Postgraduate study program (Ph.D., 3 years) Graduate (Master’s) study program (Mgr., 2 years)
The structure of courses: theoretical-Historical Block; Structure of graduate (master’s) study program of historical sociology: The structure of courses: theoretical-Historical Block; the courses of Methodological-Research Block; optional Thematic Block
Admission Requirements: motivation letter, structured CV (curriculum vitae) academic paper in English (defended bachelor’s thesis or its summary, an article published in an academic journal or any new essay that you choose to represent you and your academic knowledge., ect.)
Admission Requirements: In case you would need some topics to base your essay on you can use: modernization, globalization and their role in contemporary society; problems of social change and long-term developmental processes in various areas of social life; Changes in everyday life, religion, and culture; Nations and nationalism then and today and more… The admission exam in not required!
Deadline: July 31 Contact person: Mgr. Vratislav Kozák
Submitt your application untill the end of July!
The team of the department of historical sociology wishes you a nice day!