Body modification edition Human Geography Body modification edition
What is human Geography? The study of the world, its people & their communities. It has a greater focus on studying human activities instead of physical features of the earth. Parts of Human Geo.- Create a tree map for the categories Culture Population Government Economics Urban
Body Modification
What is body modification? “We tend to think of human bodies as simply products of nature. In reality, however, our bodies are also the products of culture. That is, all cultures around the world modify and reshape human bodies. This is accomplished through a vast variety of techniques and for many different reasons, including: To make the body conform to ideals of beauty To mark membership in a group To mark social status To convey information about an individual’s personal qualities or accomplishments”
Body Modification cont. Historical Context “Body modification occurs across the globe today in various forms and for many reasons (Barker & Barker, 2002, p. 92). Examples of body modifications from around the world include nose piercing associated with Hinduism, neck elongation in Thailand and Africa, henna tattooing in Southeast Asia and the Middle East, tooth filing in Bali, lip piercing and earlobe stretching in Africa.” Bradley University, Body Modification
Adding it all up We will look at different examples of body modifications around the world, and how it interacts with the different elements of Human Geography. Remember cultural norms and definitions of beauty change around the world. Work hard and complete the assignment. Stay on task. DEFNED YOUR ANSWER. “Because I said so” is not a defense. Provide reasoning to whatever conclusion you come to!
Culture How does America view tattoos and piercings?
Population Were you surprised with the number of people who have tattoos in the US? Push Factor: Pull Factor:
Political geography In America, are there limitations placed on tattoos? What form of government does the US have?
Economic geography In the US, is there such a thing as an illegal tattoo? What form of economy does the US have?
Urban Geography Urban: Suburban: Rural:
Culture Definition: The total of knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors shared and passed on by members of a group. Parts of a Culture: Language (Dialect), Religion, Ethnicity, and Food Look at how body modifications change from culture to culture.
Population Geography Definition: The study of the distribution of people in the world. Push Factors: Push Factors- Reasons to leave a country. Pull Factors- Reasons to come to a country.
Political Geography Definition: They Study of different forms of government. Democracy: Government of the people Theocracy: Religious leaders and ideas influence laws. Communism: Appointed leaders control rules and production (what is being made, bought, and sold). Totalitarian: Government has total control over its citizens and their lives.
Economic Geography Definition: The study of how people make money. Traditional Economy: Barter and trade. EX: An apple for an orange. Capitalism/Free Market: Consumer demand determines what goods and services are produced (citizens are allowed to own whatever item they please). Communism/Command: The government determines what goods and services are produced (citizens do not have private property; everything belongs to the state). Mixed: Consumer demand with limitations on what can be made and sold (laws prohibit people from engaging in behaviors that are considered harmful, such as drugs and child labor). Socialist: the government collects a larger percent of taxes in order to supply citizens with services, such as education, medicine, and roads.
Urban Geography Definition: The study of how people use space in cities. Urbanization: The dramatic rise in the number of cities and changes in lifestyle that come from that change. Types of Living Areas: Urban: Large Cities Suburban: Middle sized towns Rural – Small population with few buildings