Reflection #4: Strengths
My Strengths: Input Restorative Intellection Futuristic Individualization
What does that mean? Input: A craving to know more; often liking to collect and archive all sorts of information Restorative: Adept at dealing with problems; Good at figuring out what is wrong and resolving it Intellection: Characterized by intellectual activity
What does that mean? Futuristic: Inspired by the future and what could be; Inspire others with their visions of the future Individualization: Intrigued with the unique qualities in each person; Have a gift for figuring out how people who are different can work together productively
How do these look in my life? Input: Even as a toddler, I have always been inquisitive and have had a craving to know more. Whether I am reading, googling, making lists or plans, or asking questions, it seems that I spend a great deal of time acquiring, often useless, information. Restorative: Though I struggle with problem solving in areas regarding mathematics, my life problem solving skills are quite adept. Whenever there is a problem or conflict of any kind, I seek to discover the innermost cause of whatever it is and conjure a creative way to solve it.
What do these look like in my life? Intellection: I feel as if I actually think a great deal more than I seek to acquire new information though. Never am I not thinking- It’s almost a problem. I like to think deeply, and philosophy is interesting to me. My mind is constantly wandering and wondering. Futuristic: Also since a child, I have always been in a constant state of planning and looking ahead. It has not been an inhibition to my current life circumstances; Thinking about all of the possibilities of the future just excites me. I love planning things and coming up with new ideas. My family and friends probably grow tired of this, but there is always some kind of “someday” idea that I am sharing with them.
What do these look like in my life? Individualization: Finally, my last but seemingly most accurate strength is individualization. My favorite people and the ones I tend to seek out are those with some sort of unique qualities that make them different from everybody else. Conformity is not something I aim for. Situations in which all kinds and types of people can come together and achieve something or just enjoy each other’s company is so beautiful to me. Additionally, I myself relish allowing my own individuality.
A leadership situation where they showed: Was Student Council Vice President junior year of high school Students were not always supportive of StuCo fundraisers. Student Council members bored with fundraisers. Thought it would be fun to come up with something new & original that students would love (Futuristic) Thought about it extensively and searched my brain (Intellection) Had the idea to do something different and fun for Valentine’s Day (Restorative)
A leadership situation where they showed: Did extensive research on school districts that did matchmaker fundraisers (Input) Presented and got the idea approved Created a unique survey that could appeal to every type of person (Individualization) Utilized all members of Student Council to read through and hand match everyone It was our most successful and loved fundraiser.