Bell Ringer: FRIDAY, September 23 Open your textbook to page 843. Read the article entitled “Ready-to-Bake Chocolate Chip Cookies”, featured in Cook’s Country Magazine (it’s really short!). As you read, look for LOGICAL appeals, or LOGOS. As you find appeals, write them down for your bell ringer entry. Write the example and then explain how it works. How does the specific example appeal to logic? After you’ve written your examples down, flip through your notes from last night. According to the book, how would you CLASSIFY each example? Think about the blue headings in the chapter…for example, does one of your logical appeals use HARD EVIDENCE? STATISTICS? REASON AND COMMON SENSE? If you are presenting today and you need to load a file onto my computer that is NOT on your flash drive , come see me now so we can set it up and avoid delays in class.
Template for Homework 1. (provide complete sentences) Logos: Ethos: Pathos: 2. What is the object? What is the argument? How does it appeal to logos, ethos, and pathos? 1 paragraph TOTAL for your household object. Use complete sentences, please.
Homework Watch the following video…it is Steve Colbert speaking to Congress about immigration issues, and it’s funny! And only about 5 minutes long. As you watch, write down HOW Colbert uses LOGOS, ETHOS, and PATHOS in his speech. As always, EXPLAIN how each appeal works. -How does Colbert appeal to our logical side? -How does Colbert use ethos to affirm his authority/credibility and/or come clean about his motives? -How does he use pathos? What emotions does he evoke in viewers? 2. Search your place of dwelling for an object…ANY object…that makes an argument. For example, it could be a movie, a piece of clothing, or a piece of furniture. Explain WHAT argument that object is making, and how it uses the appeals of LOGOS, ETHOS, and PATHOS to make its point. This should be approximately 1 paragraph long…between 6-8 sentences.