The Executive Branch The Presidency
44th President Barack Obama is our 44th President and serves in many roles. He is the chief of state which means he is the head of state.
Chief Executive Barack Obama is also referred to as the chief executive because he is head of the executive branch. As chief administrator of the federal government President Obama is in charge of an administration that employs nearly three million civilians.
Other positions President Obama is also commander and chief (in charge of the armed forces) Chief legislator.. He just helped push through Congress the healthcare reform bill. Chief of Party- The Democrats “top guy” Chief Citizen
Fun facts/ Qualifications Must be a natural born citizen to be President Must be 35 years old Also have lived in the U.S. for 14 years John F Kennedy youngest President ever elected. Ronald Reagan the oldest to be elected at 69.
Salary and other information President makes $400,000 a year If President dies, resigns or is impeached the Vice President becomes President 25th amendment made the succession of the Vice President a formal amendment .
Line of Succession President VP Speaker of the House President Pro Tempore Secretary of State List is on page 359
Assignment/Web quest Online you need to search for the people that are in line to become President. Look at the list on page 359. Your goal for today is to learn how the line of succession would work if multiple people in government were injured/killed or impeached. Your job is to give me a list of names including the President and Vice President followed by the next eight people in line to be President. I want their name, their current title and where they are on the line of succession list. Assignment is due Wednesday and will be graded for accuracy. Good luck!!