Doing A Meaningful Engineering Design STEM Fair Project
STEM is an acronym for combining four specific disciplines; science, technology, engineering and mathematics. STEM integrates the four disciplines (sometimes including art for STEAM) to create a cohesive and real-world application rather than separate and discrete subjects.
Engineering Design Process Choose a subject you are interested in for an Engineering Design Project Choose a group that you can cooperate with easily.
Engineering Design Process 1 – Ask What is the problem/question? What research/background information would help answer this question or solve this problem? What are the constraints? For our STEM Fair, we are using as many reused/recycled products as possible.
Research Before starting the design process, background information can be found by using some of these resources: Encyclopedias Science Magazines Science Textbooks Library Books Internet Interviews Letters Phone Calls Document the information you learned and cite those sources.
Engineering Design Process 2 – Imagine Brainstorm ideas Make notes or sketches Choose the best one
Engineering Design Process 3 – Plan Draw a diagram Label Write a step-by-step procedure you will use to build the model. Gather needed materials
Engineering Design Process 4 – Create Build the model with the directions you have planned. Test it out Test the model and document what you see happening. Be as descriptive as possible. Test it two or three times to get accurate data.
Engineering Design Process 5 – Improve Analyze the results. Discuss what can work better, redesign with more drawings and retest. Be sure to write down all the changes made and the testing results of each change. Repeat steps 1 – 5 until you are satisfied.
Does what you write show The Conclusion What Did You Find Out? Wrap up your project with a paragraph reflection addressing thoughts like these: Write did you learn while doing your project? How did the results validate what was expected to happen? What did you learned from your project? In what ways is your prototype important? What are other questions you have now? What might you do differently next time if you made one again? How can the information you learned be applied to real life? Does what you write show evidences of learning?
Additional Information Now that you are well on your way through your project, some students will opt to post information on a display board. Everyone will participate in an interview process.
The Display Board This is OPTIONAL. If you choose to make a display board, remember: Give yourself time to make your display board. Make it: Neat, Creative, Easy to Follow, Errorless (no scribbles), and Informative Show the steps of your process. Be proud of your work!
The Interview Your interview will be scheduled on 4/13 or 4/16. Know these things: Information you have read about. All the things you did while following the engineering design. What you learned from your project. How the projects has helped you better understanding the world around you. Other questions you now have. What you would change next time if you did the project again.
STEM Fair Project Rules
2018 STEM Fair Entry Form Before you begin your project for the school STEM fair, you need to fill out the 2018 entry form. Filling out this form helps you know what you need to do to qualify for the school fair, and helps the school plan for the presentation days in April. It gets you started in the right direction. There are three parts to this form that need to be filled out. Part 1 Student Information Part 2 Project Information Part 3 Parent Signature Part 4 Teacher Approval – Once the teacher signs your form, they will copy it and return it to you. Keep your form with your project.
STEM Fair Rules If these rules are not followed, the project will be disqualified for any science fair competition. To make sure that the Fair is fair for everyone, we want to be clear on what will disqualify a project from the judging during the fair. Projects will still be displayed. Failing to complete and submit forms on time will cause disqualification. Make sure you have completed all portions of the forms on time and turned them into the correct person. Doing a project with hazardous materials, activities, or devices is prohibited. No hazardous substances or devices, highly flammable material, sharp items, or glass are allowed on the display board. Plagiarism, fabrication of data, or any other form of ethical misconduct. A demonstration project will be disqualified. (If your project is simply showing how something works, it is probably a demonstration. Change it into an experiment by selecting and manipulating a variable.) No living organisms, taxidermy specimens, preserved animals; human/animal body parts or body fluids are permitted on the display board No food is permitted on the display board.