Take into account all our needs, Please! A user to the vendors Take into account all our needs, Please!
From David… Regardless, “3rd party” DICOM workstations are now largely treated as “2nd class” citizens by PACS ! The ball is largely in the user’s court
User Point of view Radiology practice is changing: Some radiologists are working at home for several radiology facilities. In some country, due to the lack of radiologists, radiologists are grouped in main facilities and manage several Radiology Department. Remote radiologist work should be integrated in the workflow of each facilities.
User Point of view Remote radiologist cannot have a specific workstation for each PACS he could be connected!!! Remote radiologist shall receive all DICOM objects of the series for interpretation task Remote radiologist should have post-processing tools available
Issues Network throughput Security/privacy Integration in workflowS …And probably many more!!!