Mythology ancient myths
Muthy Mythology is a collection of myths, especially one belonging to a particular religious or cultural tradition of a group of people–their collection of stories they tell to explain nature, history, and customs–or the study of such myths.
Heracles In Greek mythology, the hero, the son of Zeus and Alcmene god - the wife of the hero of Amphitryon. At birth, he was named Alcides. Repeatedly mentioned in the "Iliad." Among the many myths of Hercules is best known for a cycle of tales about the exploits of 12 committed by Heracles, when he was in the service of the king of Mycenae Eurystheus. The cult of Heracles was very popular in Greece, by Greek colonists he soon spread to Italy, where Herakles was worshiped under the name of Hercules.
Kalhant Kalhant also Calchas - in Greek mythology the son of Nestor from Mycenae or Megara, priests and the diviners in the army of Agamemnon, according to Homer, "knowing that there is to be, or has been." Repeatedly mentioned in the "Iliad."
Achilles Achilles - heroic tales of the ancient Greeks is the bravest of heroes that have taken under the leadership of Agamemnon's expedition against Troy.
Demeter In Greek mythology, the goddess of fertility, protectress of agriculture. One of the most revered deities of the Olympic pantheon.
Apollo In Greek mythology, the god of light golden- haired srebroluky, patron of the arts, the leader and protector of the Muses, a predictor of the future, the god-physician.
Zeus The chief of the gods, the Olympians, the third son of the titan Cronus and Rhea. The father of gods and men. In Roman mythology, Jupiter was identified with. It distributes good and evil on the earth, people invested in shame and conscience. Zeus - threatening punishing force, sometimes associated with destiny.
The mythology of Ancient Greece marked the beginning of a variety of religious ideas about the man and the gods and heroes had a tremendous influence on the development of culture and art all over the world.