Project - Autumn 1 Can We Train a Dragon? RE Introduce the prayer corner Introduce our reflection areas Introduce prayers for Mass and the structure of Mass Creation – celebrating God’s creation and giving thanks for it Project - Autumn 1 Can We Train a Dragon? History Who were the Vikings? Explore the Viking timeline Find out how Vikings travelled Learn to write using the Runic alphabet Geography Find out the names of countries, cities and rivers where the Vikings lived Use compass directions and maps Learn about the key features of Viking environment DT Make a that boat floats Learn about and eat Viking food Make clay Viking pottery Science Sort, describe, identify and compare materials for making boats Carry out fair tests & experiments to test materials for making boats This project will be based on the book – How to Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell. In this cross curricular project, children will be encouraged to ask questions, role play as Vikings and will get to meet a real Viking via the Internet! They will listen to stories, write their own sagas and make Viking crafts. Maths Read and write numbers to 20, 50 and 100 Place value and number bonds to 10, 20 and 100 Addition, subtraction numbers to 10, 20, 50 and 100 Doubles and near doubles using numicon English SPAG – sentence structure including finger spaces, full stops and capital letters. Learn how to use adjectives, question marks and conjunctions Phonics – Phases 2, 3 & 5 Composition – writing lists, mini-sagas, writing instructions to decorate a dragon’s egg and writing questions to ask a Viking Home-School Learning Weekly spellings(given out Fridays) Phonics Reading Mathletics (Y2 only) Computing Learn about Internet Safety Use the Computer Suite Type instructions to show how to look after a Dragon egg Programme the Beebots Coding Spanish Greetings Counting Dragon’s eggs Making plurals Using ‘and’