CARETTA CARETTA SEA TURTLES Out of the seven species in the world,only three can be regularly found in the Mediterranean. Loggerheads-Caretta Caretta Chelonia mydas-green turtles Dermochelys coriacea-leatherbacks
Where do they nest in Greece? Zakynthos Bay of Kyparissia Lakonikos bay and Koroni Crete
Special characteristics Caretta Caretta sea turtles have hydrodynamically shaped carapaces, comprised of a number of bones. They have lungs and breathe air. They lay their eggs on land.
Why are they in danger of extinction? Sea turtles face natural threats: Weather Geographical location Other animals (foxes, dogs, jackals, rats, birds) Sea turtles face threats from Man: Capture by fishermen for exploitation purposes Poaching of eggs for consumption By catch in fishing gear Tourist development Sea pollution
What can we do to help? Become a volunteer Teaching with technologies: A Challenging Computer-based Lesson Proposal 16/9/2018 What can we do to help? Become a volunteer Notify Archelon if we find a nest, an injured or a dead turtle. Adopt an egg, a turtle or a nest by sponsoring it Inform all the people you know about the dangers sea turtles face and avoid to threaten them by any means.