WELCOME to Kindergarten Parent Orientation 2017-2018 At Line Creek All Belong, All Learn, All Lead, Lions Succeed!
Line Creek Specials Teachers Mr. Carney (Music) Miss Wittler (Art) Mrs. Happy (P.E.) Mrs. Rigos (Library) 4 Day Letter Rotation/50 minutes Watch monthly calendar and Newsletter Students will have P.E. and Music on the same day. 25 minutes each. They MUST wear sneakers to participate in P.E.
Writer’s/Reader’s Workshop 10 minute mini lesson, 25 minutes for students to write/read independently while teacher conferences with individual students (practice and application), 10 minutes for reflection as a whole group. Allows students to write and read about their interests. Writing: Work will be sent home after the end of the unit. Some may be complete pieces of writing and others may be a draft. They will learn to write narrative, opinion, and informative types of writing. Publishing party at the end of every unit and students will use special writing supplies to publish their work. Reading: They will learn about non-fiction and fiction texts. Book Buckets Level D is the end of the year goal
Level D Example
Math Workshop Envision Math Program This program will help students begin their study of math with a focus on cardinality and number operations. Students will count to 100 by 1s and10s Solve problems by counting, comparing and joining and separating sets which help them develop the foundational understanding for addition and subtraction. Math will be taught following the workshop model Whole group instruction Independent practice Math stations/rotations Whole group reflection Students will bring home a work mat each day. At the beginning of each unit, a game will be taught and sent home to play and review.
Title 1 Since 2013, Line Creek has received Title 1 funds. We are classified as a Title 1 School. The Title I program provides additional support to students needing extra educational assistance beyond the regular classroom. Support can be provided in the classroom or in a support service classroom with Mrs. McCauley or Mrs. Moore, our Reading Interventionists. One of the requirements of Title 1 is the Teacher/Student/Parent/School Compact. Please take a minute to read through the compact and sign/date it. It can be left on the desk when you leave tonight. For more information please visit the Line Creek website or see Mrs. McCauley or Mrs. Moore. Zanah
Grading Parent/Teacher conferences in October. If you have not signed up yet, please do so before you leave tonight.
Curriculum Science (Stem Scopes) Social Studies Art Music P.E. Library 7 Habits Technology
Communication Electronic newsletters will go home once a week. Please watch for and READ IT! It is filled with important information and upcoming events! If you would like a paper copy please let me know. Three way street: Teacher/Parent/School School newsletter from Mrs. Greim sent home once a month via email or paper copy. If your information should change, please let me know ASAP.
We work hard! But, we still have fun!! Field Trip Kindergarten Musical (April 5th) All School Field Day Leadership Day PTA Events
School Rules Be RESPECTFUL Be A LEARNER Be SAFE Students will receive punches on a punch card. This will start in September and they will be rewarded with punches when they follow the 7 habits. Students can redeem their full punch cards for a variety of prizes/activities: i.e. bring a stuffed animal for a day, help in the cafeteria, lunch with teacher/principal, walk Mimosa, etc.
PTA Join PTA today! PTA Members will receive a Line Creek Directory Coordinates classroom parties Plans all School Functions Collects Box Tops and Pop Tabs Join PTA today! Pays for Field Trips Holds monthly meetings Sells Spirit Wear Donates needed items through out the year
Take Home Folder Your child will bring their Take Home Folder home each night. Please check their folder for important information. We have found that behavior calendars are an excellent way to communicate daily behaviors. Please initial your child’s behavior calendar each night. Included in your child’s Take Home Folder: sight word list, Hundred Chart, Keyboard, and Specials Schedule
Questions Visit the Park Hill Website and follow the link to Line Creek Elementary Line Creek Kindergarten Teachers Dee Dee Dreiling dreilingd@parkhill.k12.mo.us Laura Mock mockl@parkhill.k12.mo.us Meghan Schmitt schmittm@parkhill.k12.mo.us Tiffany Wilson wilsonti@parkhill.k12.mo.us Elizabeth Werner wernere@parkhill.k12.mo.us
Thank you for taking time out of your day to support your child’s education. Your help is super important in making this year successful!