CURRENT SITUATION OF STANDARDIZATION ACTIVITIES IN MONGOLIA & TBT Gerel Bat-Ochir Head of Standard and Technical Regulation Department, Mongolian Agency for Standardization and Metrology (MASM)
Mongolian Agency for Standardization and Metrology (MASM) The Standardization activities are operated under the law of Mongolia “Standardization and Conformity Assessment“ which was newly adopted in May, 2003.
Main purposes of standardization Enhancement of the compatibility of products, as well as to ensure proper usage of all types of resources and interchangeability of products, Protection of public interest, human health, the environment and security of the nation Provision of uniformity of testing and measurement. “LAW OF MONGOLIA ON “STANDARDIZATION AND CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT”
Standardization principles Equal participation of the representatives from government, NGO, producers and consumers; Compliance with social interests; Independence The standards shall be based on latest scientific and technological achievements and contain concise and coherent contents. The development process of the national standards shall be based on related international standards. The standards shall not be create unnecessary obstacles to the trade and manufacture. “LAW OF MONGOLIA ON “STANDARDIZATION AND CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT”
Standardization policy Identification of the national standardization system and legal documents with the international approaches Harmonization of national standards with international ones; Elimination of technical barriers to trade (adoption of voluntary basis standards); Development of standards with market demand and public purpose standards; Implementation of quality and environmental management systems;
The main activities of national standardization Management and coordination the activities of national standardization technical committees Harmonization of national standards with international ones Coordination of implementation of WTO Technical barriers to trade agreement Implementation and transfer of new and advanced technology through the international and regional standards
National Standardization activities Standardization policy and activities are implemented countrywide via the local centers for standardization and metrology in 21 aimags.
National Council for Standardization National Council for standardization confirms national standards (MNS) on the base of mutual consensus representing government, manufacturers, businessmen and consumers’ interest. National Council for Standardization is approved by the Government. It consists of 18 members, who represent governmental and non-governmental organizations and is lead by MASM Chairman.
National Standardization Technical and Sub Committees 25 National Standardization Technical Committees and 16 National Standardization Sub committees
Number of national standards
Percentage of national standards by standardization object 5% 14% 37% 44% Terminology standards Basical standards Testing standards Product standards
National WTO/TBT Enquiry point The central standardization body shall run an Information and Enquiry Center. The Information and Enquiry Center shall have a national database, consisting of originals or copies of international treaties and agreements, international, regional, foreign and national standards, technical regulations, directives, guidelines, recommendations, conformity assessment procedures and other relevant normative documents related to the products. LAW OF MONGOLIA ON “STANDARDIZATION AND CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT”
National WTO/TBT Enquiry point Main activities are: information and service on standards, technical regulation and other related documentation ; recording and sales of international, foreign and national standards; establishment of national standards database (MONGLOBAL); use of the PERINORM of EU 16 countries 600 000 standards short text information database; establishment an internet access for worldwide Standards information and international full text document servers; national standards according to the updated version of the International Classification of Standards; the catalogue of Mongolian national standards is updated every 2 year; publishing standards, periodicals and other publications.
Percentage of national standards harmonized with international ones
National standards legislative status