How to Use Members Area of The Ninety-Nines Website Demonstrate the use of the scroll bar on the right and the use of the up arrow and down arrow. Explain what links are and how they work. Demonstrate how to open a link and how to get back to the homepage. 1
How to Use The Ninety-Nines Website Type in web address: Click the dark blue buttons across the top of the page to navigate around the site. Click on an item you would like to know more about. To return to this page, click the 99’s logo in the top left hand corner of the screen. Explain that some of the links are a different color because they have been opened previously. 2. Note the FAAST–FAA Safety Team recognition of the 99s participation and mention that we are also given recognition on their website in a revolving banner with other participants in this program. 2
Drop-Down Menu of the 99s Website 99 First Time User of the 99s website. Drop-Down Menu of the 99s Website On 99s homepage click on the button that says Members Only Section This will take you to the Members Only Area where you need to Log In on the left side. Drop-Down menus provide quick access to the next level of web pages and resources. To access drop-down menus, hover your mouse over one of the dark blue buttons on the top bar. 3
99s First Time User of The 99s Website Members Only Area New users must register by entering their email address on the right where indicated. A temporary password will be generated by the system and sent via email to you. You MUST register using the name & email exactly as you are registered at Headquarters. Click on the link. Register Now! This is the page where one signs up to use the Members Only Area of the 99s website. It is a one time sign up. Once the sign in is completed, the user will sign in on the left side with their own Username and Password. 4
Members Only Sign Up New members – click here This box will appear. Enter your email address and click “send via email”. This is an example of a sign up form to be able to use the Members Only Area of the 99s website. It takes only a few minutes for the new member to receive an email welcoming them the 99s Members Only Area. As soon as that is received they can go back and sign in using their own information. Encourage every person signing up to write down their sign up information, specifically, their Username and Password. 3. User Name is the email address to use when you sign in from now on. Ex: 4. Suggestion: type in all small letters, it is easier to use that way. 5. You will receive a password via email. 5
Email that is sent to you with password – new password for new members, registered password for previously registered members. The Save my password function means that the computer you are using when you put a check in the box will remember your password. When you use that computer again to go to the Members Only Section you will only be required to type in your username. A series of dots will appear in the password box. Just click the Login In button and you will be in the Members Only Area. Note: When you use another computer this will not happen. You will have to type in your password. Note: If you change your password, you will have to update the saved password by deleting the dots and typing in your new password. This link will take you back to the login page. Your name and information will be verified with the membership database. Note: “s are not part of the password. 6
Logging into the Members Only Section 1. Type in your Username and Password. Press Enter. 2. The next screen will bring you into the Members Area Section. 7
Optional, and usually used when you have received a new, temporary password: Changing your Password after you log in. Select the “Change Password” option. Enter the current password, then the new password twice, and click on Change Password. Note: Under the Members Only Area the Online Directory, the last update is noted. The directory is updated every Monday. NOTE: When you choose a new password, make it something you can remember, but make it hard for someone else to guess. 8
Members Area Let’s take a look at the Directory. Search options appear at the top of the page. Search on any of the options. Examples: Get a list of all of the members in your Chapter. Find the record for your Chapter Chairman. 9
Result of a search for one person: Search request Search result 10
Members Area Note the date that shows when the ONLINE DIRECTORY was last updated. It is usually done at least once a week. The Update Information link is where you can change the information on file such as a new email address, new home address, or a name change. Just click on it and fill in the appropriate information. It will show the next time the online directory is updated. 11
Opening Screen for the Members Area A name search can be just the first name, just last name, a whole name, or beginning letters of a name. When you have typed in the request then click on the Search button at the bottom of the column. It will find and list everyone who meets your criteria. If you want to do a second search be sure to delete the information of the first search. Again, you can type just a City name, State name or a Country The list will gather all that meet your request and list them. Just type in an Area Code and your search will produce the list of 99s who live in that region. By typing in a Zip Code you can find all the members who live in a particular area of the country. Searching by Join Dates could help you find all members who joined The 99s on a particular date. 12
Search and sort features continued: 6. On this date: you can do a sort of since this date or sort between certain dates. Membership Code sorts refer to membership categories, Chapter officers and News Editors as well as Section and International Officers and Committee Chairs. A search on AE Scholarship winners is also available here. 8. Search by Chapters will list the members of the Chapter you about whom you request information 9. If you would like a complete list of all the members in a Section, the Search all Sections area will provide this. 10. A Status search will provide a list of members who are Current, on Hold, or on Standby for renewal of their membership. Be sure to request a Chapter and then Current, Hold or Standby. Click on the Search button for the results. This is a wonderful feature for Membership Chairmen’s use. 13
Printing Search and Sort Results: PDF: Printer Friendly Version – This will download a nice looking listing of your search to print and is probably the version used most often. 2. Save as Excel will download the file to your computer in a spreadsheet format with the information in columns. It contains the entire membership information that is recorded for each member at Headquarters. For those of you who are familiar with how to use spreadsheets, this file can be redesigned to fit the desired purpose of the information therein. You can rename the file. Use can save this as an .xls (.xlsx) file. It is a wonderful tool for a Membership Chairman to use.
Technique Review for using the Online Directory Type in or select the criteria for your search. Don’t forget sometimes you will have two items in your search criteria. For a second search, be sure to clear the criteria of the first search by deleting information and/or by clicking on the down arrow in the category field, then scrolling to the very top of the category and select the name of that category. That will neutralize the previous search and illuminate it from the next search. You can also click on the Clear button Select the Printing Version at the bottom of the criteria column that you want. The Log Out feature will bring you back to the first page of the section you are in. Use the Home button found at the bottom of every screen to go back to The 99s main website page.
More topics and links in Members Area: Library Give participating members time to put in their personal information to register. 16
Topics and Links in Members Area Continued. Here is a partial list of the Forms, Lists and Guides that are available in the Members Area Library.
Topics and Links in Members Area continued It is possible to renew your 99s membership online. You can pay the dues through the secure credit card option. The form is one page on the site. Here, it has been broken up to fit the slide. NOTE: there are several helpful instruction boxes on the form. 18
Other Topics and links on the website The 99 News is available online! To access the 99 NEWS Magazine, click “Resources” in the top navigation bar, and select “99 NEWS Magazine”. To download the complete magazine, scroll down to the ‘current issue’ link. 20