UN-Water mapping of members’ mandates and key activity areas Falk Schmidt UN-Water Work programme 2008-2009: Mapping Guidance: Chair’s Office and UNW-DPC Timeline: work started July, 1st, finishes end of October; work in progress Main deliverables Report for SPM (end of September) Draft report for public use (end of October) Difficulty: Members’ contributions differ in length and level of detail
UN-Water mapping of members’ mandates and key activity areas About the mapping To provide a base-line analysis To serve as a basis for discussions and identification of concrete actions and activities To serve as a basis for improved communication to non-UN actors Foci on analysis The overall mandate of the member The overall mandate of the water related work of the member Key activity areas covered by the member Key data and information resources managed by the member
Mandates and key activities: overlaps, layers, complementarities Mandates and key activity areas Different kinds of key activity areas (thematic focus areas, cross-cutting functions) Sub-themes under thematic focus areas Different functions/roles performed by members Scale matters
UN-Water members operate under very different overall mandates Children’s rights and developments Health Earth's atmosphere Safe use of nuclear technologies Generation and transfer of knowledge Human settlements Environment International cooperation to achieve development for all Global forum for tourism Focal point for coordination of disaster reduction activities Integration of developing countries into the world economy Global development network Protection, assistance and solutions for refugees Promoting industrial development Cooperation in education, science, culture and communication to achieve peace building, poverty eradication, promotion of sustainable development Combating desertification Conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity Financial and technical assistance for global poverty reduction Eradicating rural poverty and hunger in developing country Defeating hunger Regional economic and social development
Thematic focus areas and cross-cutting functions WASH (MDG 10) Other MDGs and related topics relevant for water (including food&agriculture) Water resources management, incl. IWRM Climate Change and Disasters Policy advice, advocacy, coordination Capacity building, technology transfer Science, research, assessments Financing
Members’ mandates and key activity areas -thematic focus areas-
Specific thematic focus areas -WRM-
Specific thematic focus areas -WSS-
Performing different roles/functions (Considerable general misunderstanding as to what the agencies/programmes actually do) 1.) Providing a place where national experts can meet to discuss common problems 2.) Compiling and distributing information provided by countries 3.) Presenting reports, conducting assessments 4.) Promoting a certain approach to water resource management 5.) Advising national experts and governments 6.) Setting standards for countries to follow 7.) Co-ordinating activities between countries 8.) Making decisions at national level 9.) Making decisions at regional level 10.) Making decisions at international level 11.) Lending money to countries 12.) Implementing projects in countries with loans to be repaid by the countries 13.) Implementing projects in countries with funds donated by others 14.) Implementing projects in countries with the countries' own funds 15.) Implementing projects in countries with the agencies' own funds …
Emerging insights Hardly any real overlaps (duplication) at the level of mandates and activity areas, since members implement their own overall mandate fulfill different functions (e.g. assessments vs. project implementation) and/or have their own regional focus specialization at the level of key activity areas Variety of activities under UN-Water is rather an asset than a problem Coordination seems to be key to achieve cooperation, synergies, value added UN-Water activities can be seen/assessed in front of these findings (e.g. focus areas, thematic task forces, programmes), bi-directional relationship between the members and UN-Water Reminder: mapping not at the project level
Feedback on “master data”, please! Gap analysis Questions Feedback on “master data”, please! Gap analysis Extend analysis into the work of the Partners on the basis of this mapping??? On the final reports How progressive should the internal report be? Issue the public report with comparable documents from the members (e.g. 3 pages long)?