A Global Environmental Education Initiative Presentation by: Mark D. Hathaway, PhD Candidate, OISE/School of the Environment, University of Toronto
What is “Awakening the Dreamer”? A global adult environmental education initiative Aims to “change the dream of the modern world” Four to six hour symposium using videos and interactive elements (cf. Joanna Macy) Began in San Francisco in 2005 5000 facilitators trained, 3900 symposiums given, 230,000 participants in 80 countries and 14 languages
My own Interest as a Researcher Looking at transformative learning processes that lead to shifts towards a more ecological worldview and the cultivation of ecological wisdom While researching more at the personal level (life history research), began by looking at several transformative learning initiatives like Awakening the Dreamer Some of my research participants are drawn are facilitators and leaders in the symposium initiative (also Macy’s Work that Reconnects, permaculture, etc.)
Inspiration and Goals (Video clip) What does “changing the dream of the modern world” really mean? Worldview tranformation Wider goal: To bring forth an Environmentally sustainable Spiritually fulfilling, and Socially just Human presence on this planet
Why are worldviews (the dream) important? Origin of idea with the Achuar, but strengthened by Thomas Berry’s insights (via Drew Dillinger) Idea that our current worldview is a pathological cultural entrancement: a “profound cultural disorientation” that requires a “corresponding deep cultural therapy” (Berry, 1999, p. 165) Transition to a sustainable future is impeded not primarily by technological or scientific factors, but lack of political will and this “cultural entrancement”
Basic Logic of the Symposium Where are we? Understand our situation, see its urgency (3 aspects) How did we get here? Roots in worldview of modernity, assumptions, new story What is possible now? Positive examples of transformation Where do we go from here? Encouraging action
Strengths and Weaknesses Engaging videos: Vandana Shiva, Paul Hawken, Thomas Berry, Brian Swimme, Julia Butterfly Hill, Joanna Macy, Maude Barlow, Walden Bello, Van Jones, Annie Leonard Good experiential exercises Easy to use materials Social justice - sustainability Freely available to all… Limits of time vs. depth (Interactive exercises rushed) Not all facilitators well- trained Short-term enthusiasm that often dies out… Moving participants into action
Evolution of Symposium Began with a pilot in March 2005 Videos produced several years later; ongoing improvement (now in version 2.5) Geometric increase in diffusion until about 2010, then a levelling off… Original philosophy: Our mission is to change the dream, others design campaigns and actions… Do whatever your heart tells you…
Second Phase: 2011-present Getting into Action Workshop (2011): Still individual model… Youth Initiative: Generation Waking Up In-depth internal work on racism and power: People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond Need to address systemic change: Dream perpetuated systemically Creating the “Up to Us” initiative as follow-up Game Changer intensive, action circles, and partnerships: Community Environmental Defense Fund + Citizen’s Climate Lobby
Kinds of Transformative Action Systemic Change Holding Actions Creating Alternatives Changing Worldviews
Questions Is it possible to “change the dream of the modern world” via workshops? Could these serve as a catalyst for change? Will the revised model really engage people in action? Will it help, not just to shift ideas, but to cultivate an ecological habitus? Should other kinds of action be considered?