Ancient Egypt
Quick Quiz 2. What where some positives about being a Pharaoh? 1. Name one type of leisure activity the Ancient Egyptians would partake in. 2. What where some positives about being a Pharaoh? 3. What were some negative about being a Pharaoh? plays, fishing, swimming, pets, reading, board games
Aim: What were the Religious beliefs and Daily Life of the Ancient Egyptians?
Review Old Kingdom in Ancient Egypt, existed for 500 years from 2700 to 2200 BC Pharaoh influenced life in Egypt because ancient Egyptians believed that the Pharaoh was both king and a god sent to manage Egypt for the rest of the gods. Egyptian life was greatly influenced by the Pharaoh and his decisions Egyptians kept order in their society influenced Egyptian life by establishing a social hierarchy of Upper Class, Middle Class and Lower Class
Today We are going to learn how religion shaped daily life in Ancient Egypt.
What do you notice while viewing this artifact and what did you see that made you say that? Egyptian Judgment Anubis most famously appears in the scene of the weighing of the heart, illustrating events after death. The heart of the deceased is weighed by Anubis on the scales of divine law (called Maat, which is cosmic order) against a feather to determine how they lived their life, and based on that, what would happen to them next This is an illustration of Anubis in his role as the head judge of divine law and justice, which he administers along with the other 42 judges of the divine law, known in ancient Egyptian texts as “The Assessors of Maat” and the god Thoth, also depicted in this scene. How would you title this artifact?
Vocabulary Polytheism – the worship of more than one “god.” Afterlife: - life after death Mummies: - specially treated bodies wrapped in cloth Elite: people of wealth and power Osiris: god of the underworld, waited to judge the dead person’s soul. Anubis: the god Anubis weighed the dead person’s heart against the feather of truth. If they weighed the same amount, the person was allowed into the underworld. Anubis was also the only god allowed to perform the first steps in preparing a mummy.
Religion in Ancient Egypt Religion was a major influence in Egyptian daily life. Worshipping gods was a part of daily life in Egypt. Egyptians practiced polytheism. Egyptians built temples to the gods. They had gods for everything, ex: sun, sky, earth Egyptians also believed in an afterlife, a belief that upon death from this world you would enter another where everyone is young and healthy. The ancient Egyptians burial practices were also influenced by their religious belief of an afterlife.
Afterlife Afterlife stemmed from the idea of ka (a person’s life force) When a person died his/her ka left the body and became a spirit. Ka remained linked to the body. Ka had same needs a living person has (eat, sleep, entertainment).
What do you think the Ancient Egyptians did to fulfill the ka’s needs?
To fulfill Ka’s needs, people filled tombs with objects for the afterlife. WHAT DO YOU THINK SOME OF THESE THINGS WHERE? (furniture, clothing, food, etc.)
Burial Practices Only the God Anubis was Allowed to perform the first steps in creating a mummy. Who do you think is being depicted here?
Burial Practices Egyptians believed body had to be prepared for afterlife before in can be placed in a tomb. The body had to be preserved to keep from decaying. Embalming: method that kept bodies from decaying Bodies preserved as mummies (specially treated bodies wrapped in cloth). Embalmers cut open the body and removed organs Used substance to dry body Applied special oils to body Wrapped body with linen cloths DID NOT REMOVE HEART. They stored organs in special jars
After the mummy was wrapped it was placed in a coffin (sarcophagus). Only royalty could afford to have mummies made.
VIDEO KA & RA THE PYRAMIDS & IMMORTALITY Brian’s video on google docs
Your Turn!!!! 1) How did the Egyptians view the afterlife? 2) How was the “ka” different from the body? 3) What methods did the Egyptians use to bury their dead? 4) How did burial practices vary among Egypt’s social classes?
Homework JOURNAL #20 Go to Choose ONE Egyptian god and : Define what he/she is the god/goddess of Provide 3 facts about the god/goddess Draw a picture of that the god/goddess looks like