冀教版五年级上册英语 Lesson 21: How Can We Go to Beijing ? 西长寿小学 马杏伟
. Let's review taller than shorter than older than younger than
What's this? car bus taxi truck bicycle
. fast An airplane . is slow . A bus
A train is faster than a bus but slower than an airplane.
An airplane is faster than a taxi . Let's Practice ! slow A bicycle is slower than a car. fast A train is faster than a bus.
Listen,look and answer! How can they go to Beijing? How does LiMing’s mother want to go to Beijing? How does LiMing want to go to Beijing?
Let’s go to Beijing by plane, Mum ! Planes are fast !
No, Li Ming. I want to take a bus.
A bus is slow ! I don’t want to go by bus !
Let’s take a train ! A train is slower than a plane but faster than a bus !
LiMing: Let’s go to Beijing by plane, Mum ? Planes are fast ! Mum: No, Li Ming. I want to take a bus. LiMing: A bus is slow ! I don’t want to go by bus ! Mum: Let’s take a train ! A train is slower than a plane but faster than a bus !
Let's discuss !
A plane is fast. A bus is slow A plane is fast. A bus is slow. Let’s take a plane, that is how I want to go ! A plane is fast. But let’s take a bus. A bus is slow.But it doesn’t cost as much !
Please, not a bus. Let’s take a train Please, not a bus ! Let’s take a train! It’s faster than a bus, and it’s cheaper than a plane ! A Train’s just right ! Oh, hooray, Li Ming ! We can take a train on our trip to Beijing !
2.How can we go to Shijiazhuang\Shanghai\Canada? Homework 1.Activity Book Lesson 21. 2.How can we go to Shijiazhuang\Shanghai\Canada? How do you want to go ? Why ? Discuss in groups.