Made possible in part by a family literacy grant from the New York State Library, New York State Education Department
What? Why? How?
Question Why do adults not want you to read graphic novels. Take 30 sec to talk to your group and write down one answer?
Graphic Novel- Definition Books written and illustrated in the style of a comic book. Sequential (in order) Art- a series of illustrations which, when viewed in order, tell a story. Any book in a comic format that resembles a novel in length and narrative (story) format.
Elements of a Graphic Novel Same format as comic books Text & illustrations present information Book-length, usually contain one story Not really considered a genre, just another cool/interesting way/format to write a book
Caption Panel Gutter Thought Balloon Sound Effect Dialog Balloon
Major Types Superhero
Adaptations or Spin-offs
Realistic Fiction
A little history Comic Strip=grandfather of Graphic Novel Around since end of 1800s Originally used to draw people to Sunday paper
First comic strip Appeared in New York World: 1895 R. F. Outcault Increased sales Eventually endorsed soap-whiskey
Katzenjammer Kids 1897 Used word balloons Used multiple panels to tell story
Popular comics Superman First superhero On newsstands: 1938 Superheroes big during World War II After WWII: crime, science fiction and horror comics
1950’s: comics in crisis! Frederic Wertham-Dr. who said that juvenile delinquents read comics/lead to bad behavior Comics examined by US Senate Comics banned and burned in the late 40s
A New Beginning Late 1950’s: Justice League of America born 1961: Fantastic Four, Incredible Hulk, & Spiderman 1960’s: Self-published underground comics
Conan the Barbarian comics President Obama collects both Spider-Man and Conan the Barbarian comics
What is this, Manga? MANGA a Japanese genre of cartoons, comic books, and animated films, typically having a science-fiction or fantasy theme; it means humorous story. MANGA
Manga history Manga=comic books Period before WWII=beginning of modern manga Mid 1990s=came to US
How to read a Manga Page Unlike traditional books, Manga is read “backwards” from back-to-front Often, if you start at what looks like the front of the Manga, you will see a message like this
Panel Order & Dialog Balloons 2 3 1 4 Panel Order & Dialog Balloons 6 5 7 Panels and dialog balloons are read “reversed” 10 11 8 9
New Formats
Convince Me!!!!! Your group has 30 sec to write down a detailed reason that will convince Mrs. Grant to purchase more graphic novels for the LVMS library.
Why Graphic Novels, Comics, and Mangas? ●They attract and motivate kids to read. ●They are popular with kid who don’t like to read or have a hard time reading. ●They have complex plots and narrative structures for advanced readers ●Can help students become lifelong readers