DILO Company Inc. Zero Emissions. No Substitutes. Corey Ratza Cell#: 727 -692-3401 Office #: 727 -853-2493 Email: Corey@dilo.com
Smart & Sustainable SF6 gas Handling Key SF6 basics to remember 4 outstanding properties Super Dense gas Environmental Considerations What is the GWP? Atmospheric Lifetimes Greenhouse gas Equivalencies EPA reporting tool Equivalencies Calculator EPA & State reporting Tips for reporting / cylinder inventory
Four Outstanding Properties of SF6 Unmatched dielectric strength – 2.5x better than air Arc quenching capabilities – 100x better than air Thermally Stable – requires high heat to bread down the gas Self-healing – independent atoms will regenerate after heat source is removed
The Basics Of SF6 Super Dense Gas Vapor Density - x5 > AIR Stays in a vapor form up to 250 PSI @ 68 deg. F Safety considerations Displaces Oxygen OSHA – exposure limit @ 1,000 PPMv SF6 Vapor space SF6 Liquid level
The Basics Of SF6 Super Dense Gas - continued Helium Vapor Density - x6 < AIR Sound waves travel faster through Helium
Environmental Considerations SF6 = Global Warming gas Not an ozone-depleting gas SF6 – Global wamring potential (GWP) = 22,800 CO2 – Global warming potential (GWP) = 1 SF6 - estimated lifespan = 3,200 years CO2 - estimated lifespan = 90 years 1 Pound SF6 = 11 Tons CO2
Global Warming Potential (GWP) GWP - Is a relative measure of how much heat a greenhouse gas traps in the atmosphere. It compares the amount of heat trapped by a certain mass of the gas in question to the amount of heat trapped by a similar mass of carbon dioxide SF6 is a fluorinated gas (F gas) with a high global warming potential
Global Warming Potential (GWP) is a relative measure of how much heat a greenhouse gas traps in the atmosphere. It compares the amount of heat trapped by a certain mass of the gas in question to the amount of heat trapped by a similar mass of carbon dioxide
Atmospheric Lifetimes of Long-Lived Halogenated Species SF6 - estimated lifespan = 3,200 years CO2 - estimated lifespan = 90 years The atmospheric lifetimes of the fluorinated gases such as SF6 and CF4 are of concern because of the effects that these long-lived compounds acting as greenhouse gases can have on global climate. If released into the atmosphere, these molecules will accumulate and their effects will persist for centuries or millennia.
Atmospheric Lifetimes of Long-Lived Halogenated Species SF6 - estimated lifespan = 3,200 years CO2 - estimated lifespan = 90 years
3 Basic Reasons for Madatory Reporting SF6 is 100% recyclable All GIE should be leak proof Environmental IMPACT
Types of Reporting Agencies Federal Regulations EPA – Environmental Protection Agency https://ghgreporting.epa.gov State Regulations CARB – California Air Resources Board MassDEP- Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
Environmental Protection EPA considerations Began investigating SF6 - 1997 2012 - Mandatory reporting for name plate capacity of 17,820 lbs. EPA’s online reporting tool https://ghgreporting.epa.gov Additional information www.epa.gov/electricpower-SF6
Environmental Protection State Regulations CARB – California Air Resources Board Goal – lower annual emissions to no more than 1% by 2020
Environmental Protection MassDEP Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (GHG) –reporting rule 40CFR part 98 and 310 CMR 7.71, et seq., respectively Control of Emissions from (GIS) NEW equipment purhcased by MA after Jan. 1 2015, may not exceed a 1% emission rate. Must comply with declining all emissions to 1% or less by 2020
Environmental Protection MassDEP Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
GHG Pollution Shaming http://GHGdata.epa.gov/ghgp/main.do EPA data publication tool allows stakeholders and the public to access the key data elements and to sort data by location, sector, and by gas.
Equivalencies Calculator Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator 1 Pound SF6 = 10.3 Tons CO2
Equivalencies Calculator Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator 1 Pound SF6 = 10.3 Tons CO2
Greenhouse gas emissions of (1 lb) SF6 Carbon Dioxide Equivalent - OR -
Greenhouse gas emissions of (1 lb) SF6 *Carbon Dioxide Equivalent
Greenhouse gas emissions of (1 lb) SF6
Greenhouse gas emissions of (1 lb) SF6
4,343,605 Total Reported Emissions *MTCO2e 2015 DATA 166 Reporting Facilities 4,343,605 Total Reported Emissions *MTCO2e
Equivalencies Calculator Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator 4,323,505 Carbon Dioxide Equivalent = > 400,000 lbs. (SF6)
Equivalencies Calculator Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator 4,323,505 Carbon Dioxide Equivalent = > 400,000 lbs. (SF6) - OR -
SF6 Emissions Reports for 166 Facilities
Potential Financial Impact Company X = 300,000 *MTCO2e SF6 is sold as a liquefied product Approx. $5.00 per pound *contracted pricing directly from supplier Approx. $16.00 per pound *generally sold as a premium from third party supplier
Potential Financial Impact Example 1: 300,000 MTCO2e = 30,000 lbs. SF6 30,000 lbs @ $8.00 per pound = $ 240,000 30,000 lbs = approx. 260 cylinders @ $345.00 each = $ 89,000
Potential Financial Impact Example 1: 30,000 lbs between 5 regions 5 regions = Lots of SF6 Handling equipment = $1,000,000
Potential Financial Impact Example 1: 5 regions = 2 substation techs to fill 30,000 lbs. = $60,000 Adequate Training Field Service Work Contractors
Potential Financial Impact Example 1: In total 30,000 lbs. SF6 adds up quick (x2) Gas @ $ 480,000 Cylinders @ $89,000 Equipment & PM @ $1,000,000 (x2) Field Service Crew @ $120,000 Grand total = $1,689,00 $1,689,000 / 30,000 = $54.30 per pound of SF6
Importance of accurate SF6 inventory recording Cylinder Storage SF6 is sold as a liquefied product Purchased by pound (weight) Separate into 3 categories Full Partial Empty Consolidate partial cylinders ONLY return after recording the weight
SF6 Reporting Cylinder Storage Electrical utility industry returns 10-20% virgin products back to supplier. Cylinders with Non-Return Valves – see below
SF6 Reporting Storage cylinders capacity Tare weight stamp on cylinder – TW Valve protection cap does not count towards TW
Importance of accurate SF6 Reporting Ensure that a properly calibrated weighing device is used to prevent overfilling storage and that all the gas has been removed from GIE 1 year calibration cycle Importance of accurate SF6 Reporting Mass Flow meter Tank # scales 0.5% Accuracy
Reporting Scale Requirements For flowmeters, the final rule requires a scale accuracy of +/- 1% For scales, the final rule requires a +/- 1% of the maximum weight of the containers (i.e. gas plus tare) typically weighed on the scale. Mass Flow meter Tank # scales 0.5% Accuracy
Summary Indefinite re-use of recovered SF6 generally possible Immediate re-use (using CIGRE / IEC standards) of recovered SF6 even in new GIE generally possible Properly trained personnel will be able to minimize/eliminate handling losses Summary
THANK YOU! Questions? Presentation By: Corey Ratza November 2016 DILO Company, Inc. 11642 Pyramid Drive Odessa, FL 33556 Tel.: (727) 376-5593 Fax: (727) 372-0277 E-Mail: corey@dilo.com