dEFINITION a small group of words standing together as a conceptual unit, typically forming a component of a clause.
Types of phrases Prepositional Appositive Verbals Gerund Participle Infinitive
Prepositional phrase review Indicate relationships. Preposition, object, modifiers The mouse ran ________________the grandfather clock. EVERY PREPOSITION MUST HAVE AN ______________! Prepositions may act as ADJECTIVES (modify noun or pronoun and answer the questions which one? How many? What kind?) or ADVERBS (modify verbs, adverbs, or adjectives and answer the questions When? Where? How? How often? To what extent? And Why?) Find the FIVE prepositional phrases in the following sentence and tell how each is acting. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us.
appositive A noun or pronoun (with modifiers) placed near another noun or pronoun to identify or explain the first one. Essential appositives: the noun being explained is too general without the appositive; the information is essential to the meaning of the sentence. do not place commas or dashes around the appositive The popular US president John Kennedy was known for his eloquent and inspirational speeches.
Appositive Nonessential appositive The information in the appositive is NOT needed for the sentence to be clear. John Kennedy, the popular US president, was known for his eloquent and inspirational speeches.
Appositive example From Founding Brothers, “The Generation” Page 6 top “Though the republican paradigm – representative government bottomed on the principle of popular sovereignty – has become the political norm in the twentieth century, no republican government prior to the American Revolution, apart from a few Swiss cantons and Greek city-states had ever survived for long, and none had ever been tried over a land mass as large as the thirteen colonies.”
GERUND Verb + ing Acts as a noun (subject, object of preposition, direct object, indirect object, predicate nominative, appositive) Sleeping is my favorite hobby. (S) The purpose of sleeping is to get rest. (OP) Susan discovered sleeping to be healthy. (DO) My favorite hobby is sleeping. (PN) My favorite hobby, sleeping, is something I enjoy every day. (APP)
Participle Verb + -ed or –ing or the past tense form of a verb. Acts as adjective The sleeping kitten is cute. The frozen lake was hard enough to allow a car to drive over it. The hired hand did the job of two workers.
Infinitive TO + verb Acts as either a noun, an adjective or an adverb. To sleep is a wonderful thing. (N) He lacked the strength to resist. (adjective) We must study to learn. (adverb)