Presented by: NDRRMC Secretariat National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan (NDRRMP) 2011-2018 Presented by: NDRRMC Secretariat
OUTLINE 1. DRRM under RA 10121 1.1 Progress of Implementation Framework (NDRRM Framework) 1.2 Related National Plans and Policies 2. The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan (NDRRM Plan) 2.1 NDRRMP Thematic Areas including the goal, objectives and outcomes 2.1 NDRRMP Priority Programs and Projects 3. Implementation of the NDRRM Plan 3.1 Implementation Strategies 3.2 Implementation Mechanisms 3.3 Resource Mobilization 3.4 Monitoring and Evaluation
RA 10121: PROGRESS OF IMPLEMENTATION The Philippine DRRM Law was signed on May 27, 2010 Implementing Rules and Regulation was signed on 27 September 2010 and took effect 15 days after National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Framework was signed on June 16, 2011 National DRRM Plan was approved on February 7, 2012 by the National DRRM Council After more than three decades of the country’s disaster management being governed by Presidential Decree 1566 of 1978, Republic Act No. 10121 was finally passed during the 3rd Regular Session of the 14th Congress and signed into law on May 27, 2010 Following the transition after the last national elections, the drafting of the IRR proceeded at once. On 27 September 2010, the IRR was promulgated and took effect 15 days after publication. The previous NDCC framework was immediately reviewed to come up with the enhanced framework. The deliberation process took about nine months. The NDRRM framework was signed on June 16, 2011
What is required under RA 10121? Local DRRM Council (Sec. 10 & 11)– Regional to Municipal and Barangay DRRM Committee under BDC Local DRRM Office (Sec. 12) – Province-Municipality and BDRRMC. With DRRM Officer and three staff in each LDRRMC. Local DRRM Plan (Sec. 12 c.6) Local DRRM Fund (Sec. 21) – at least 5% of IRA with 30% reserved as Quick Response Fund Accreditation, Mobilization and Protection of Disaster Volunteers (ACDV), National Service Reserve Corps, CSOs and Private Sector (Sec. 13) Accreditation at the local level.
NDRRM FRAMEWORK Safer, adaptive and resilient Filipino communities toward sustainable development RISK FACTORS Hazards Exposures Vulnerabilities Capacities Mainstreaming DRR and CCA in Planning and Implementation The National DRRM Framework is a conceptual paradigm on how the “whole of society” can work towards ‘Safer, adaptive and disaster-resilient Filipino communities towards sustainable development’ It ensures DRRM process to be comprehensive and integrated; all-hazards coverage; involve all sectors; and have maximum impact on communities It emphasizes that resources invested in disaster prevention, mitigation, preparedness and climate change adaptation will be more effective towards attaining the above stated vision It also highlights the need for effective and coordinated humanitarian assistance and disaster response to save lives and protect the more vulnerable groups Further, it illustrates the importance of identifying the risk factors and understanding how their interplay can translate into disasters if left unabated or unmanaged Prevention & Mitigation Preparedness Rehabilitation & Recovery Response
1.4 Related National Plans and Policies Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2011-2016 National Climate Change Action Plan (NCCAP) 2011 to 2028 National Security Plan The NDRRMP is cognizant of the development context of disasters and seeks to leverage on the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2011-2016, which is the national development roadmap of the country. The NDRRMP also seeks to gain synergy with the National Climate Change Action Plan (NCCAP) 2011 to 2038 which outlines the long-term agenda for climate change adaptation and mitigation of the country. The NDRRMP likewise leverages on the National Security Plan (NSP),which defines the overarching strategy and programs in response to threats to opportunities that would have bearing on the peace and stability of the nation and well-being of Filipinos.
2. The National DRRM Plan Four distinct and mutually reinforcing Thematic Areas The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan emphasizes 4 Thematic Areas with 4 Long-Term Goals which follows the NDRRM Framework, as shown in the illustration. These areas are (1) Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, (2) Disaster Preparedness, (3) Disaster Response and (4) Disaster Rehabilitation and Recovery. The NDRRM Plan operationalizes this framework through 14 Objectives, 24 Outcomes, 56 Outputs and 93 Activities. There are also 12 Priority Programs and Projects identified in the NDRRM Plan for immediate implementation. The timelines of the NDRRM Plan are: Short Term, which is from 2011 – 2013, Medium Term from 2014 – 2016 and Long Term 2017 – 2028, depending on the prioritization of the activities as indicated in the NDRRM Plan.
2. NDRRMP Thematic Area 1: Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Overall Responsible Agency Department of Science and Technology (DOST) Goal Avoid hazards and mitigate their potential impacts by reducing vulnerabilities and exposure and enhancing capacities of communities Objectives Reduce vulnerability and exposure of communities to all hazards Enhance capacities of communities to reduce their own risks and cope with the impacts of all hazards At this point, in the interest of time, let me just give the highlights of the NDRRM Plan through the Priority Areas and the long-term goals, objectives and outcomes of the Plan.
2. NDRRMP Thematic Area 1: Disaster Prevention and Mitigation OUTCOME LEAD AGENCY DRRM and CCA mainstreamed and integrated in national, sectoral, regional and local development policies, plans and budget OCD DRRM and CCA-sensitive environmental management DENR 3. Increased resilience of infrastructure systems DPWH Community-based scientific DRRM and CCA assessment, mapping, analysis and monitoring Communities access to effective and applicable disaster risk financing and insurance DOF End-to-end monitoring, forecasting and early warning systems are established and/or improved DOST
2. NDRRMP Thematic Area 2: Disaster Preparedness Overall Responsible Agency Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) Goal Establish and strengthen capacities of communities to anticipate, cope and recover from the negative impacts of emergency occurrences and disasters Objectives Increase the level of awareness of the community to the threats and impacts of all hazards, risks and vulnerabilities Equip the community with the necessary skills to cope with the negative impacts of a disaster Increase the capacity of institutions Develop and implement comprehensive national and local disaster preparedness policies, plans and systems Strengthen partnership among all key players and stakeholders
2. NDRRMP Thematic Area 2: Disaster Preparedness OUTCOME LEAD AGENCY Increased level of awareness and enhanced capacity of the community to the threats and impacts of all hazards PIA Communities are equipped with necessary skills and capacity to cope with the impacts of disasters DILG and OCD Increased DRRM and CCA capacity of Local DRRM Councils, Offices and Operating Centers at all levels DILG Developed and implemented comprehensive national and local preparedness and response policies, plans and systems Strengthened partnership and coordination among all key players and stakeholders
2. NDRRMP Thematic Area 3: Disaster Response Overall Responsible Agency Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Goal Provide life preservation and meet the basic subsistence needs of affected population based on acceptable standards during or immediately after a disaster Objectives Decrease the number of preventable deaths and injuries Provide basic subsistence needs of affected population Immediately restore basic social services
2. NDRRMP Thematic Area 3: Disaster Response OUTCOME LEAD AGENY 12. Well-established disaster response operations DSWD Adequate and prompt assessment of needs and damages at all levels DRRMCs, OCD, DSWD Integrated and coordinated Search, Rescue and Retrieval (SRR) capacity DND, DILG, DOH Safe and timely evacuation of affected communities LGUs Temporary shelter needs adequately addressed Basic social services provided to affected population (whether inside or outside evacuation areas) DOH Psychosocial needs of directly and indirectly affected population addressed Coordinated, integrated system for early recovery implemented
2. NDRRMP Thematic Area 4: Disaster Rehabilitation and Recovery Overall Responsible Agency National Economic Development Authority (NEDA) Goal Restore and improve facilities, livelihood and living conditions and organizational capacities of affected communities and reduce disaster risks in accordance with the “build back better” principle Objectives To restore people’s means of livelihood and continuity of economic activities and business To restore shelter and other building/installation To reconstruct infrastructure and other public utilities To assist in the physical and psychological rehabilitation of persons who suffered from the effects of disaster
2. NDRRMP Thematic Area 4: Disaster Rehabilitation and Recovery OUTCOME LEAD AGENY Damages, losses and needs assessed OCD Economic activities restored and if possible, strengthened or expanded Agency to be determined based on the affected sectors Houses rebuilt or repaired to be more resilient to hazard events; safer sites for housing NHA Disaster and climate change-resilient infrastructure constructed/reconstructed DPWH A psychologically safe and secure citizenry that is protected from the effects of disasters is able to restore to normal functioning after each disaster DOH, DSWD
2. NDRRMP Priority Programs and Projects Development of the following plans Joint work plan for DRRM and CCA, Local DRRM plans , National Disaster Response Plan (to include a system for Search, Rescue and Retrieval SRR; scenario-based preparedness and response plans), Risk financing Development IEC and advocacy materials on DRRM and CCA Development of guidelines Communications and information protocol before, during and after disasters; Creation of DRRM teams; Criteria/standards for local flood early warning systems; Evacuation; Infrastructure redesign and/or modifications; Manual of operations of disaster operations centers Development of tools DRRM and CCA mainstreaming in the national and local-level planning, DANA and Post-DANA; Psychosocial concerns Establishment of DRRM Training Institutes; End-to-End local flood early warning systems through integrated and sustainable management river basins and water sheds; local DRRM Councils and Offices and their operations centers
2. NDRRMP Priority Programs and Projects Conduct inventory of existing DRRM and CCA resources and services Development and implementation of DRRM and CCA activities using the 5% of government agency’s GAA Hazard and risk mapping in the most high-risk areas in the country Institutional capability program on DRRM and CCA for decision makers, local chief executives, public sector employees, and key stakeholders Mainstreaming DRRM and CCA in local development planning. PDNA capacity building for national government agencies, regional line agencies, and local offices Review, amend and/or revise the Building Code and integrate DRRM and CCA; Executive Order no. 72 s. 1993 (comprehensive land use plans); Implementing Rules and Regulations of RA 10121; Various related environmental policies
3. Implementation of the NDRRMP 3.1 Implementation Strategies include Advocacy and Information, Education and Communication (IEC), Competency- based capability building, Education on DRRM and CCA for all, Institutionalization of DRRMCs and LDRRMOs, Mainstreaming of DRR in all plans, to name a few. 3.2 Implementation Mechanisms: Integration of DRRM into relevant national plans such as the Philippine Development plan Development and implementation of respective action plans of government agencies as indicated in the NDRRM Plan. Roles and responsibilities of the NDRRM Council, Office of Civil Defense, Agency Leads and Partners, and the Regional/Provincial/Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Councils The NDRRM Plan identifies nine strategies in implementing the various programs, projects and activities. Implementation Strategies include Advocacy and Information, Education and Communication (IEC), Competency-based capability building, Education on DRRM and CCA for all, Institutionalization of DRRMCs and LDRRMOs, Mainstreaming of DRR in all plans, to name a few. Implementation Mechanisms involve existing national processes such as through the integration of DRRM into relevant national plans such as the Philippine Development Plan (PDP), as well as the development and implementation of respective action plans of government agencies for their respective activities as indicated in the NDRRM Plan.
3.3 Resource Mobilization General Appropriations Act (GAA) – through the existing budgets of the national line and government agencies National DRRM Fund Local DRRM Fund Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF) Donor Funds Adaptation and Risk Financing Disaster Management Assistance Fund (DMAF) At the national and local Levels, the following sources can be tapped to fund the various DRRM programs and projects: General Appropriations Act (GAA) – through the existing budgets of the national line and government agencies, National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Fund (NDRRMF), Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Fund (LDRRMF), Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF), Donor Funds, Adaptation and Risk Financing Assistance, and Disaster Management Assistance Fund (DMAF). Investments by the private sector will also be encouraged. The NDRRM Plan implementation will also be regularly monitored through various feedback mechanisms and processes. The results-based planning will ensure that the Plan will be reviewed based on relevant indicators and involve various stakeholders to guarantee transparency and inclusiveness in the evaluation and feedback process.
3.2 Monitoring and Evaluation Results-based programming shall be used in ensuring that implementation is on time and learning from experiences is built into the DRRM system OCD and the members of the Technical Management Group will develop a standard M&E template The stepwise M&E process includes the LGU, regional and national levels Will likewise use the HFA Monitoring Tool as a working format to undertake national multi-stakeholder consultation processes as progress is reviewed and challenges are systematically identified
Thank you for your attention.