Inset A. Incision for complete clavicular resection. A Inset A. Incision for complete clavicular resection. A. Exposure of muscles in relation to clavicle after skin flaps raised. B. Muscles resected en bloc or removed from clavicle. C. Medial clavicle is dissected after mobilization of sternocleidomastoid and pectoralis major muscles. Inset C. Articular disc exposed and incised to allow for disarticulation of sternoclavicular joint. D and Inset D. Anatomy of underlying muscle, subclavian vasculature, and brachial plexus (resected clavicle shown to depict anatomy). E. Clavicle resection completed with transection of coracoclavicular ligament. F. Trapezius to deltoid and sternocleidomastoid to pectoralis major muscles sutured together. Source: Sternal and Clavicular Chest Wall Resection and Reconstruction, Adult Chest Surgery, 2e Citation: Sugarbaker DJ, Bueno R, Colson YL, Jaklitsch MT, Krasna MJ, Mentzer SJ, Williams M, Adams A. Adult Chest Surgery, 2e; 2015 Available at: Accessed: March 08, 2018 Copyright © 2018 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved