Jeannine Dearmon Summer Davis Amy Lawson PBL 509 Focus: Alberta Smith, Spring Run, and Jacobs Road Elementary School did not meet AYP in reading for Gap Group 1, which includes special education students, during the 2015-2016 school year. Current fifth grade students who took the fourth grade reading SOL is the focus group. “READ”mediate Jeannine Dearmon Summer Davis Amy Lawson PBL 509
Data sheet used to assess individual student weaknesses Student Detail By Question form
Alberta Smith areas of weakness: SOL Guide Words SOL 4.4c Making Inferences based on textual support SOL 4.5h To successfully demonstrate this skill, students must accurately click and drag words that would fit in between two given guide words that would be found at the top of the dictionary. To successfully demonstrate this skill, students must accurately read a given paragraph and choose the correct inference based answer given to the student.
Spring Run areas of weakness: SOL These were noted as weaknesses in using the Student Detail By Question data sheet from the 4th grade SOL results. Affixes 4.4b Differentiate between fact and opinion 4.6h To accurately demonstrate this skill, students must determine the meaning of a word with a prefix or a suffix. They will use learned knowledge of roots and affixes. To accurately demonstrate this skills, students must identify statements that are in a given passage as a fact or an opinion.
Quizizz made from SOL data sheet by individual student weakness
Resources CCPS Exceptional Education Resources Focus: 4th Grade Reading Reading Specialist Resources Focus: All Areas Reading
Alberta Smith: Lesson and Remediation Activities VDOE Resource: How they appear on the test Brainpop Videos plan/dictionary-lesson-plan/ Possible Lessons and Activities ary-skills/dictionary-skills-guide- words_WORDS.pdf?up=1466611200
Alberta Smith: Making Inferences based on Textual Support Mini Lesson Plans plan/dictionary-lesson-plan/ Requires students to share how they are supporting their answers reading-worksheets/reading-comprehension- worksheets/inferences-worksheets/ Available in school book room or school Library picture-books-to-teach-inference/ Scroll to "The Legend of Keesh" - this will provide a 5 day lesson plan for using textual support to infer. reading-modules-4th-grade
Spring Run: Differentiating between fact/opinion and-opinion/ fact-and-opinion s/fact_opinion_language_arts_fifth_5th_grade.htm Online practice games reading-worksheets/fact-and-opinion-worksheets/ Fact and Opinion worksheets for application
Spring Run: Affixes Lesson and remediation activities sson/64780/prefixes whippingboy/sampleskilllesson.pdf -plan/prefixes-suffixes-and-root-words/ /performance_analysis/english/2014/2 014_elementary_reading.pdf VDOE resources - how they appear on the SOL. Online games for practice grade_level_help/language_root_words _language_arts_fifth_5th_grade.htm more online games for review
How to assess growth in gap group. Alberta Smith Quizizz Pretest Post-test Spring Run Quizizz 9777b8321f ea73eecc1a Could also use worksheet or previous SOL released test as a pre and post test if you have limited access to technology.
Alberta Smith Data 9 students were assessed and remediated. See attached data:
Alberta Smith Data Breakdown Students Outcome 7 out of 9 74% average rate of growth 1 out of 9 11% lower score 4 out of 9 Met the “pass rate” of 70% 3 out of 9 Require more remediation What’s next? Focusing remediation on making inferences based on textual support.
Spring Run Data 8 students were pretested and then had some teacher led and independent computer led remediation.
Spring Run Data Breakdown Students Outcome 6 out of 8 Met the pass rate of 70% 2 out of 8 Require more remediation 1 out of 8 13% showed no growth 7 out of 8 88% growth rate What’s next? Focusing remediation on using knowledge of prefixes and suffixes.
Success and Changes Alberta Smith Elementary Successes Changes All but 2 students showed an average of 74% growth rate All students improved in the skill of alphabetizing, which is a prerequisite to identifying guide words. Students confidence grew after a few meetings. They were more willing to discuss their thinking. Set up more time for small group remediation. Collect a teacher feedback or data sheet to gain some background knowledge on the students prior to starting groups. Use actual released SOL questions for pre and post test.
Success and Changes Spring Run Elementary Successes Changes All but 1 student showed an average growth rate of 88%. Teachers were receptive to the idea of remediation for our gap group students The students enjoyed the different remediation activities that were presented. Allow for more time for remediation Instead of individual teachers, have one common teacher to do the remediation Integrate more than one skill at a time