Learning Styles How do YOU learn? Today and for the next few classes we are going to talk about learning styles and then study strategies. I’ll tell you a little bit about them, we’ll experiment with a few of them, and hopefully you’ll find a way to learn that you never had thought of before. This is where we get to do a lot more hands on! I want to encourage all of you to make every effort to try each method we talk about in class. You just might find something that feels right and helps material stick. Let’s go back in time for a moment: When you were really little, let’s say K – 3rd grade, how do you remember you teacher teaching you material in class? Hopefully they’ll say – through activity, songs, actions (if not lead them) VIDEO – Let’s take a trip down memory lane …. How about when you got in the older grades 4 - 6? What were some of the ways you learned in the classroom? Hopefully they’ll say – visual & kinesthetic (remind them of their Egypt project – dioramas, dressing up, creating artifacts VIDEO Where do you feel you are headed to? Hopefully they’ll say – aural (lots of lectures and notes)
Why does it Matter to You? If you know the way you learn, you can study more intelligently Make better use of the time you spend! Might not take as long! Could actually make the process more enjoyable!
3 Main Ways We Learn Visual Auditory Kinesthetic Multimodal By sight What we hear Kinesthetic Touching/Moving Multimodal More than 1
The British were known as the Redcoats Lightning comes before thunder Visual Learning The British were known as the Redcoats Visual means -
Auditory Learning Auditory means – hearing; using the sense of sound/hearing to learn Light music in the background while studying Ensuring you attend class to hear the teacher/professor
Kinesthetic/Tactile Learning Means being physically engaged in a "hands on" activity you learn well when you can manipulate materials to learn new information You learn best when you can be physically active in the learning environment.
Overview video https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=about.com+learning+styles&&view=detail&mid=49F5CBF4D3F4B0B7D7AF49F5CBF4D3F4B0B7D7AF&FORM=VRDGAR
Finish your Learning Styles Inventory and Score Sheet When you finish it – think about the way you study now: What works? What doesn’t work? What study method would you like to try more of?