To learn what was life like in England during his reign. Lesson Four. Henry VIII To learn what was life like in England during his reign. Lesson Four.
Tudor England Start Here Learning Objective: To learn what life in England was like during Henry VIII’s reign. Tudor England Start Here Name this Tudor Sport and explain why you know this and what the rules are.
Write in your Books the title and date. Learning Objective: To learn what life in England was like during Henry VIII’s reign. Tudor England Write in your Books the title and date. Write down what you think the following words mean: nobles, peasants, reign, joust, banquet.
Making progress in history today: Learning Objective: To learn what life in England was like during Henry VIII’s reign. Making progress in history today: To evaluate the argument of historians about Henry VIII Thomas Cranmer To explain the impact Henry VIII has had in English history Henry VIII To describe the strengths and weaknesses of Henry VIII Ann Boleyn SMSC: moral – the impact of Henry’s decision on the World
Say one thing you have learnt about Henry’s England so far. Learning Objective: To learn what life in England was like during Henry VIII’s reign. Tudor England Key vocabulary: Reign Nobles Reflect: What have we learnt so far? Say one thing you have learnt about Henry’s England so far.
Entertainment hand-out Learning Objective: To learn what life in England was like during Henry VIII’s reign. Tudor England The most appealing entertainment during the reign of Henry VIII were music and dancing, jousting, hunting and banquets. Music and Dance Banquets Entertainment hand-out Jousting Hunting
Activity: Micro Lessons Learning Objective: To learn what life in England was like during Henry VIII’s reign. Tudor England Activity: Micro Lessons Think… Read and write a summary of the information found in your handout. Pair and Share… Share your information with your partner to allow you both to learn and make notes about each others subject.
Activity: Micro Lessons Learning Objective: To learn what life in England was like during Henry VIII’s reign. Tudor England Activity: Micro Lessons Think… Read carefully through your notes on both subjects. Pair and Share… Exchange both sets of information with the person opposite to allow you both to learn and make notes about the last two subjects each.
Tudor England Plenary: What have we learnt this lesson? Learning Objective: To learn what life in England was like during Henry VIII’s reign. Tudor England Plenary: What have we learnt this lesson? Referring to your notes, decide how much enjoyment Henry VIII gained from his hobbies? Give him a score between +10 for great and -10 for bad, be ready to explain your reasoning.
Learning Objective: To learn what life in England was like during Henry VIII’s reign. Our Learning Journey Even Better Learning: Some will evaluate the argument of historians. Using appropriate vocabulary to discuss the historical impact of Henry VIII: Developing historical skills: Great Learning: Most will be able to describe the impact Henry VIII has had in English history. Good Learning: All will be able to develop their knowledge about King Henry VIII. I can use key words to discuss the historical impact of Henry VIII Source inference skills Supporting points with evidence Completing independent research Using ICT skills to present work effectively I am developing historical skills
Reflective time: Tudor England Learning Objective: To learn what life in England was like during Henry VIII’s reign. Tudor England Reflective time: 1 Write one thing you have learnt this lesson. 2 What could you do to improve your progress?
Homework Reminder: Due next lesson Learning Objective: To learn what life in England was like during Henry VIII’s reign. Tudor England Homework Reminder: When he was young Henry VIII was like Superman, he was tall, athletic, handsome and was the champion at almost every sport he took part in. Create a poster to show Henry VIII in this positive way. Due next lesson Henry VIII liked to bet on anything, he would gamble thousands of pounds every day. He could afford it though, as he had 55 palaces!
Extension Activity: Tudor England Learning Objective: To learn what life in England was like during Henry VIII’s reign. Tudor England Extension Activity: Do the current monarchy share similar interests with Henry VIII and if so which interests?