Promoting Family Caregiver Support Programs
Topics 2016 WFCSP outreach campaign Tips for promoting caregiver support locally
Why Create the WFCSPs Brand? Single location to find NFCSP programs Easier for statewide promotion More uniform look & feel of materials
Materials/Outreach Resources Website: Posters/Ads Brochures Facebook page
WFCSP Website Goals Direct people to local resources Provides information on the kinds of resources available to families Not intended to be regular source of new material/information
WFCSP Website One-stop shop for finding county & tribal family caregiver support programs Updated to be responsive (viewable on mobile devices) Links to Facebook page
Posters/Ads & Brochures Created a variety of options to meet different caregiving scenarios Posters or brochures placed in high foot-traffic areas Can re-size the poster to become a smaller display ad
Facebook Created to generate interest in and awareness of NFCSP programs and their services Like and/or Follow from your organization page to get WFCSP posts in your profile Newsfeed.
Facebook Can post to WFCSPs as a visitor and we can promote to the page’s timeline if posted by an organization page not from your personal profile
Tips for promoting local caregiver support services Make a plan for your market Use materials Develop community partnership/coalitions Direct caregiver contact
Make a Plan Treate a plan using caregiver support marketing plan document Identify targeted activities – Reach groups with unique needs? Underserved populations? Use targeted messages for unique groups
Use Materials Match materials & messaging to target audience Consider material placement (e.g., brochures in strategic locations) Engage partners in distribution (will a local employer include a brochure in a pay-stub mailing?)
CAUTION! Materials can: Interest & engage caregivers/family members Describe & encourage use of your services Convey a consistent and memorable look & feel
You, your partners, and past participants DO! CAUTION! Materials DO NOT sell the program. You, your partners, and past participants DO!
Community Partnerships & Caregiver Coalitions Why? Expand your agency outreach & opportunities for program referrals Continued relationship building & coordination is key
Contact: Presentations Why? Targeted way to engage caregivers – in churches, support groups, retiree groups, etc.
Contact: Presentations Performance matters Be enthusiastic, engaging, personal Take names, give your card, encourage contact
Contact: Word-of-Mouth Why? Most effective way to engage and motivate caregivers to act
Contact: Word-of-Mouth Ask your customer caregivers to tell others who would benefit Provide link to web site and Facebook in your e-mail signature Give caregivers small referral cards to engage others
Time & Resources Using volunteers to leverage more outreach activity Using relationships & partnerships to extend your reach
Continual Outreach Treat outreach like a movement – it’s your crusade to get more people the support they need Expect & plan to spend time Your enthusiasm & targeted messaging matters
Jane Mahoney Greater Wisconsin Agency on Aging Resources