CHAPTER 8 “Commerce + Culture” pp. 333-377
CHAPTER 8 Strayer Text Book HW Date Assigned APW 1 Homework Assignment Strayer, Chapter 8 IMPORTANT NOTE CLEAR OUT YOUR HOMEWORK AND CLASS NOTES FOLDER. BEGIN THIS TERM WITH ALL CHAPTER 8 HW AND CLASS NOTES. BE CERTAIN TO MAINTAIN UP-TO-DATE HOMEWORK AND CLASS NOTES FOLDERS. THEY WILL BE CHECKED BY THE TEACHER WEEKLY! OF NOTE There will be several handouts + in-class team assignments. Students should complete each of these and maintain them in your homework/classwork folders. Below are some of these assignments— TAKE HOME TEAM POSTERS—“respect for all” posters. Poster will be due 2-9-18. IN-CLASS TEAM WORK: Complete ALL Chapter DBQ handouts. IN-CLASS TEAM WORK: Team Work 3rd Wave Trade Route Maps and Exchange Rationales must be completed and handed in—THE DUE DATE WILL BE DISCUSSED IN CLASS. IN-CLASS TEAM WORK: Complete Facing History DBQ. 1-12-18 Due 1-16-18 THIS WAS THE LAST ASSIGNMENT YOU HAD LAST TERM. MUST BE IN HW FOLDER ON THE 30TH. Chapter 8 pp. 325-340 HW (You were assigned this on 1-12-18 and it was due on 1-16-18. It should be in your homework folder.): Strayer Book, read pp. 333-339 SILK ROADS. Answer the following margin + map questions: p. 345 MAP 8.1: Examine map and answer: (1) Through which regions does the silk road traverse? (2) What bodies of water does it connect? P. 336 Change: What lay behind the emergence of Silk Road commerce? What kept it going for so many centuries? P. 337 Significance: What made silk such a highly desired commodity across Eurasia? P. 338 Connection: What were the major economic, social, and cultural consequences of Silk Road commerce? P. 338 Change: What accounted for the spread of Buddhism along the Silk Roads? 1-30-18 Due 1-31-18 MUST BE IN HW FOLDER BY THE 31ST! SILK ROADS CONTINUED: Answer the below margin question— P. 340 Connection: What was the impact of disease along the Silk Roads? Strayer Book, read pp. 341-348 SEA ROADS. Answer the following margin + map questions: p. 341 Comparison: How did the operation of the Indian Ocean trading network differ from that of the Silk Roads? P. 342 MAP 8.2: Examine map and answer: (1) Piracy was a problem in Indian Ocean trade. If you were a pirate, where might you choose to operate? Explain. 1-31-18 Due 2-2-18 MUST BE IN HW FOLDER BY THE 2ND! P. 344 Change: What lay behind the flourishing of Indian Ocean commerce in the post-classical millennium? P. 344 Connection: What is the relationship between the rise of Srivijaya + the world of Indian Ocean commerce? P. 346 Connection: What was the role of Swahili civilization in the world of Indian Ocean commerce? CHAPTER 8 Strayer Text Book HW
APW 1 Homework Assignment Strayer, Chapter 8 Date Assigned APW 1 Homework Assignment Strayer, Chapter 8 2-2-18 Due 2-5-18 Strayer Book, read pp. 348-354 SAND ROADS + The Americas. Answer the following margin + map questions: p. 349 Connections: What changes did trans-Saharan trade bring to West Africa? P. 350 MAP 8.3 Sand Roads: (1) What might account for the long-term growth of West African trade? (2) Through which regions does the “sand roads” cross? P. 351 Comparison: In what ways did networks f interaction in the Western Hemisphere differ from those in the Eastern Hemisphere? P. 352 MAP 8.4 The American Web: According to the map, from which region did maize originate? P. 353-354 O’Rourke’s 2 Questions: (1) With whom did the 2nd Wave Meso + South Americans trade? (2) How did Aztec + Inca trade practices compare? IMPORTANT DUE HOMEWORK FOLDERS MUST HAVE ALL OF THE PREVIOUS MARGIN QUESTIONS IN IT. SO YOU MUST HAVE COMPLETED PP. 325-354’S MARGINS! YOU WILL NEED THESE FOR AN IN-CLASS TEAM WORK ASSIGNMENT.STUDENTS WHO DO NOT HAVE THEIR ASSIGNMENTS IN THEIR HOMEWORK FOLDERS WILL HAVE TO ATTEND SGI TO COMPLETE A SPECIAL ASSIGNMENT. IN-CLASS TEAM WORK: Team Work 3rd Wave Trade Route Maps and Exchange Rationales must be completed and handed in—THE DUE DATE WILL BE DISCUSSED IN CLASS. DUE 2-8-18. Strayer, CHAPTER 8 KEY TERMS—Use the terms on my Bronx Science page.. Explain the significance of each term. Follow the format for key terms. SUBMIT WORK TO TURNITIN.COM ON 2-8-18 BY 9:00 p.m. 2-8-18 DUE 2-9-18 Strayer, CHAPTER REVIEW QUESTIONS p. 355—BIG PICTURE QUESTIONS 1 and 2: SUBMIT ANSWERS TO TURNITIN.COM. Big Picture Questions #1 and 2. IMPORTANT: type your answers to this and submit it to by TBA. A hard copy must be carried in your homework folder. IN CLASS ASSIGNMENT THERE WILL BE AN IN-CLASS TEAM WORK OPEN NOTE-BOOK, COMPARISION ESSAY CHART. This assignment will earn two separate grades in pupil path: Team Chart Grade: (Done in class and completed BY TBA ___________________.) Team Essay Charts will be done in class. Peer Evaluations of Team Essay Charts will be done in class. Individual Writing Assessment Grade: While the work should be completed by Friday, you may submit it to by TBA. REMEMER THE— Individual Essays— Each student is required to complete their team-generated essay which will be based on the team chart and the peer assessment of the team chart. This part of the assignment is NOT A TEAM ASSIGNMENT. Each student must type his or her own essay and submit it to by TBA. This will be graded as a writing assessment CHAPTER 5 Strayer Text Book HW 4
GO TO YOUR CHAPTER 9 HW FOLDER. Date Assigned APW 1 Homework Assignment Strayer, Chapter 8 2-9-18 Due 2-12-18 Strayer Text, CHAPTER 8 DOCUMENTS—read the following Documents in Chapter 8: Document 8.2. Marco Polo 1299—A European Christian in China: Answer all 4 red-marked questions on p. 360 Document 8.3. Ibn Battuta 1354: An Arab Muslim in West Africa: Answer all of the 5 red-marked questions on p. 363. CHAPTER 8 VISUAL DOCUMENTS: Examine all pp. 367-374 Visual 8.1—Greek Culture, Buddhism, Kushans— Read background information and examine the visual. Answer all 3 questions on p. 368. Visual 8.2—Buddhist Monk on the Silk Road— Read background information and examine the visual. Answer all 3 questions on p. 369. Visual 8.3—Manichaen Scribes — Read background information and examine the visual. Answer all 2 questions on p. 371. Visual 8.4—The Mongols in China — Read background information and examine the visual. Answer questions 1 + 2 on p. 373. Visual 8.5—Islam, Shamanism + the Turks — Read background information and examine the visual. Answer all 3 questions on p. 375. STUDENTS CAN HAND WRITE OR TYPE THEIR ANSWERS TO THESE DOCUMENT ASSIGNMENTS. THEY MUST HAVE THEIR COMPLETED WORK IN THEIR HOMEWORK FOLDERS ON 2-12-18 Test C8 on 2-15-18 Chapter 8’s test will be on the Wednesday, 2-15-18. DUE 2-16-18 BEGIN CHAPTER 9 HOMEWORK. Chapter 9 pp. 379-415— Strayer Book, read pp. 379-389 T’ANG + SONG CHINA. Answer the following margin + map questions: p. 379 MAP 9.1: Examine map and answer: (1) To which cities did the Grand Canal connect; (b) What are China’s natural boundaries? P. 379 Change: Why are the centuries of the T’ang + Song dynasties referred to as a “Golden Age”? P. 384 Change: In what ways did women’s lives change during the T’ang + Song dynasties? 2-26-18 DUE 2-27-18 Strayer Chapter 9, T’ang and Song China. Answer the following margin + map questions: P. 386 Connection: How did the Chinese and their nomadic neighbors to the north view each other? P. 387 Connection: What assumptions underlay the tribute system? P. 388 Connection: How did the tribute system in practice differ from tehe ideal Chinese understanding of its operation? GO TO YOUR CHAPTER 9 HW FOLDER. CHAPTER 5 Strayer Text Book HW 5