Political Parties 1
Section 1: Parties and What They Do A Political Party is- A group of people who look to control the government in order to affect certain public policies and programs and WIN ELECTIONS! The two major Political Parties in America are the: Democrats & 2. Republicans
**these are general beliefs – doesn’t apply to all members of a party!! DEMOCRATS REPUBLICANS *Pro choice *Pro Life *pro environment *less regulation of pollution *civil rights of all people *civil rights for citizens *Gun control *Pro 2nd amendment *against the death penalty *Pro death penalty *higher taxes for the wealthy *lower taxes for all people *for gov’t funded social programs * reduced social programs
Party Coalitions Today
WHAT DO PARTIES DO? They create broad policy and leadership choices. They are a VITAL link between the people and their government. They are the principal means by which the will of the people is made known to government and they hold the government accountable. Parties are also the “Power Brokers” they try to bring conflicting groups together. They modify and encourage compromise among the contending views of different issues and groups. They soften the impact of extremes at both ends of the political spectrum.
Political Parties Major Function is to nominate candidates for political office. The number one job of political parties is to get their candidates to WIN elections. Informing and Activating Supporters 1. taking stands on the issues 2. campaigning for candidates 3. criticize opposing candidates positions .
They conduct the educational process through: 1. pamphlets 2. signs 3. buttons 4. stickers 5. newspaper ads 6. magazine ads radio ads 8. television ads Remember both parties want to WIN elections and attract as many voters as possible! They try to offend as few voters as possible. That is why they are so VAGUE!!!!!
qualified and 2. of good character When choosing candidates they want to make sure the people they choose are: qualified and 2. of good character Political Parties were NOT MENTIONED in the Constitution! In fact, most founding fathers saw them as a bad idea and hurtful to the republican experiment However, they have played a significant role in the process of Constitutional change!
George Washington warned in his Farewell Address after his 2nd term of “the baneful effects of the spirit of (political) parties” – he strongly opposed them!
* As it turns out, G.W. was wrong!! The party out of power acts as a “WATCHDOG”. They criticize the policies and behavior of the Party in Power. They try to convince the public to “throw the rascals out”. They act as the “loyal opposition.”
First two political parties in the U.S.: FEDERALISTS Alexander Hamilton – wanted a strong federal Gov’t led by the rich/smartest people ANTI-FEDERALISTS Thomas Jefferson – wanted a weak gov’t with Little power; a nation of farmers
The Two-Party System in American History— The nation’s first parties came out of the ratification process of the Constitution.
1. FEDERALIST Party 2. ANTI-FEDERALIST Party “Democratic-Republicans” Led by Alexander Hamilton Led by Thomas Jefferson “the rich and the well born” “Common Man” Supported the Constitution wanted the Bill of Rights in the w/out a Bill of Rights original Constitution Role of Federal Gov’t Role of Federal Gov’t Wanted a Strong National Gov’t Wanted a Limited Role for the National Government Believed in a loose interpretation Believed in a strict interpretation of the Constitution of the Constitution
ELECTION of 1800--- Adams, the incumbent, loses to JEFFERSON Federalist Party dies out
US political party history (not on test)
The Rise of the Democratic Party In 1828, Andrew Jackson wins Presidency with the new DEMOCRATIC PARTY The Democrats started the idea of appealing to the masses in elections – not just the rich
The Rise of the REPUBLICAN PARTY – 1856 *First Republican President was Abraham Lincoln 1860 *Believed in stopping the expansion of slavery
Third parties / Minor Parties
The U.S. system is set up to benefit the 2-party system with only two viable (realistic) candidates. Most voters think a vote for a minor party candidate is a “wasted vote”. Therefore Minor parties do not have wide voter support. In presidential elections there have only been 7 presidential elections where a minor party candidate was able to get their name on all 50 state’s ballots!
The MINOR PARTIES 4 types of Minor parties 1. Ideological--- those based on a particular set of beliefs Libertarian Communist Socialist 2. Single Issue ------ focus on one public policy matter Prohibition Party —against alcohol Green Party--- started out for the Environment Right to Life--- against abortion
Economic Protest---- form in periods of economic discontent Populist Party- 1892 to help the farmers economic woes 4. Splinter Parties—those that split from Major Parties Most famous -- Bull Moose Party and T. Roosevelt – split with the Republican Party in 1912
MULTIPARTY SYSTEMS Could America become a multiparty system where we have several major and many lesser parties? Most European Democracies have this system. Multiparty systems tend to produce broader more diverse representation of the electorate (voters). However they also tend to lead to instability and a winner with a minority of the vote. France is a prime example of this multiparty system that leads to instability within the government.
ONE PARTY SYSTEM – only one party appears on the “ballots” Really means a NO PARTY system because you have no choices in an Election! The Soviet Union’s leader Stalin is a prime example of this.
Important roles minor parties play 1) Their ideas get copied by the two major parties Often time, when a third party gets a lot of popularity from one of their issues they stand for, it gets absorbed by one of the two bigger parties – ex. The Populist Party of 1892 (farmers) had the idea of graduated income tax – later stolen by the Democrats 2) “Spoiler Role” in elections – Teddy Roosevelt splitting from the Republican Party in 1912 all but guaranteed the election of the Democratic nominee – Woodrow Wilson – even though Wilson was the 3rd most popular candidate! The Role of the Presidency— President is the automatic party leader of his party