Map Monday What nations make up Great Britain? What nations make up the United Kingdom? What is the official name of southern Ireland? ©2012, TESCCC
Map Monday British Isles are often referred to by many names Great Britain- England, Scotland, Wales United Kingdom- Great Britain + Northern Ireland Ireland is divided into two- Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland
British Isles
Location Surrounded by the North Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea, the Baltic Sea, and the Norwegian Sea Countries in the Region England (UK/GB) Scotland (UK/GB) Wales (UK/GB) North Ireland (UK) Republic of Ireland (south)
History of the Region British Isles Occupied by Celts and Germanic peoples 1066 England taken by William the Conqueror (Frenchman) United Kingdom created in 1801 Major imperial power from 1800s to present 25% of world dominated by England Industrialization started here
Governments of British Isles Parliamentary systems representative lawmaking body whose members are elected or appointed
Economy British Isles main form of economy is technology and manufacturing Nations here use the Euro as their main form of currency Part of the European Union
Culture Religion Language Nationalism Mostly Protestant Christianity England- Anglican, Methodist Republic of Ireland- Catholic Language English and Celtic dialects in the British Isles Nationalism