Silicon Valley Monterey Bay Council (SVMBC) Sponsored Camps Family Camp An overnight(s) camping experience at SVMBC owned and operated properties: Pico Blanco located in Monterey County and Chesebrough Scout Reservation (CSR) located in Santa Cruz County. Day Camp Typically a 5-day (but could also be a 1-day or 4-day) drive-in and drive-out Monday through Friday outdoor experience. Each camp is unique but most offer training and experience not found in other day camp programs. Resident Camp An overnight(s) camping experience to help Webelos and Arrow of Light boys transition to Boy Scouts. Held at CSR.
All council run camps go through an accreditation process as prescribed by the BSA National Camp Accreditation Program (NCAP) All camps adhere to NCAP standards Every Camp Director and Program Director is National Camp School (NCS) trained All council run camps offer the opportunity to earn rank advancement requirements All camp staff are trained in Youth Protection and Weather Hazards
Learn and experience things not taught in other programs Fun for all participants, volunteers, parents and staff Helps develop an important scouting tradition of attending summer camp at an early age Keeps Cub Scouts engaged in scouting Boys earn requirements towards rank advancement Builds experience and confidence Grounded in the values of scouting
Day Camps Just like they are in your home pack, boys are divided into dens of 6 to 12 boys Some dens are comprised of members of the same pack; other camps organize by rank. It is at the discretion of the camp director to organize the dens. All camps take a lunch break and participants, staff and volunteers eat the lunches they bring from home. Some camps schedule snack breaks. All camps participate in an opening flag ceremony. All camps have different program stations the boys rotate through based on a schedule the camp director provides. All day camp staff are volunteers including the camp director and program director. All camps have a designated health officer. All camps enjoy a closing program
Day Camps Some Day Camps offer a SPECIAL SUPER FUN DAY as part of their program. Like visiting a WATER PARK or a RACE WAY or practicing shooting sports at a real SHOOTING RANGE! Some Day Camps offer BB Gun Shooting, Archery, Slingshots, Fishing, Sports, Scout Skills, STEM and other stations of interest to cub scouts. Some Day Camps offer a sibling program. This is an area at camp that provides free child care for parents while they are working/volunteering at camp Some camps offer provisional camping for families that are not able to volunteer at camp.
Our Activity Grid shows you what each camp offers in terms of stations/activities:
This is a video ☺
Go to; scroll down and click on a camp of interest to learn more about it!
Cub Camp is Subsidized by requiring volunteer hours: Each Cub Scout registration must include two adult volunteer days at camp Some camp directors are able to accommodate special requests, make other volunteer arrangements, may be able to provide a financial incentive for adults able to work all week or provide provisional camping opportunities
YOU CAN DO THIS! Worried about losing vacation time at work? Just do it! It’s worth it. You are building life-long memories that you and your Cub Scout will treasure. Work with your home den to see if another parent can pick up your volunteer days for you. Talk to your camp director to see if they offer provisional camping Worried about transportation to/from camp? See if there is anyone to car pool with either in your home den or with your camp den. YOU CAN DO THIS! Worried about $$ ? Apply for a campership OR See if your pack can provide a scholarship OR See if you can fundraise (sell Scout O Rama cards) to pay for it OR Talk to your camp director to see if there are any staff positions available Worried about the expense of having to pay for childcare at home while you volunteer at camp? Choose a camp that offers a sibling program (aka free childcare)
Registering is as… Identify which camp you are going to Where is your pack going What calendar days work best for you and your family Which camp is close by Which camp has the most activities of interest What is going to work best for your family Register for the camp Register online today to reserve your spot at camp Participate in our Camp Registration Day (March 24) by walking in your complete* registration packet and earn a free additional cub camp t-shirt in any size Camps are open until all available spots are filled. Late fees are applied 3 weeks prior to camp start date. Registering is as…
“complete* registration” ? Let me explain… A complete packet includes: Health Forms AB for all people (participants, volunteers, parents) spending greater than 1 hour at camp Form A requires to parent/guardian signatures Yes, we want immunization information, including the date of your last tetanus shot Photocopy front/back of medical insurance card Firearms Permission Form Any supplemental forms Sibling care program Campership forms (for families seeking financial assistance to attend camp) Special needs form
For more information about Webelos Resident Camps, visit: http://svmbc For more information (and to register) about SVMBC operated Family Camps Shoot Outs and Cub-O-Ree’s Visit:
We are here to help! Contact: Deb Olsen, Cub Camp’s Council person with the answers (and totally awesome), Paul Johnson, Cub Camp’s Professional Staff, Dianne Betz, Resident and Family Camp Professional Staff, Cyndi McCollister, Cub Camp’s council committee chair, Or individual Camp Directors/District Professionals. Their contact information is available on the individual camp information sheets.