Welcome to “Meet The Teacher”
Communication To help us communicate with you we use: Home/School Diary Termly Curriculum Letters Group call – texts to make you aware of changes or new information Regular newsletters Individual Parents Afternoons/ Evenings- 8th November and 21st March Annual report Tapestry- online learning journal Twitter We always try to be available at the beginning and end of school but please remember there are 30 children and it is difficult to speak to you all everyday.
We will speak to you directly if we have concerns. Behaviour We have high expectations of our children and ourselves. You all have signed the Mission Statement agreeing to these expectations. The children are rewarded through: Star of the Day Best Work Assembly House Points with ½ termly treats Mission Accomplished We will speak to you directly if we have concerns.
Uniform Uniforms look really smart- please check that names are stuck in and don’t fade. Keep practising with your child so ensure they recognise their own name. Please make sure that no-one wears earrings on a Friday so that we are safe for PE. We will let you know if there is a change in day.
Reading Books It is our job to teach reading; we ask you to encourage a love of reading. Reading Books are changed each week after parents have shared or read the book with their child at home. Books are changed on Tuesdays. Sign in Home Reading section. It is important to: Model reading yourself Read school books regularly Share other books Give praise and encouragement Give feedback in the reading record book Choose a time that is good for your family
Bug Club Bug Club is a resource that school has bought into to support your child’s reading. The children have experienced Bug Club within the classroom. To use: Go to https://www.activelearnprimary.co.uk Log in using child’s name and password cat school code is ktwj Select a book in the My Stuff Section Use read to me or read yourself Click on the bug to answer questions and earn coins Let us know if you have any problems or need new books
Letters and Sounds Letters and Sounds is taught daily. It is a synthetic approach to teaching phonics for reading and writing. Sounds need to be practised as taught to ensure children can blend and segment. We differentiate through groups. It is important to: Check sound book for new sounds and tricky words Practice, play games, find in books Go at the pace your child is learning at but it’s always ok to notice other letters.
Sounds This could be new to you- but it is very important that you and your child make the sounds correctly. Use the sound cards to help you Ask if you are not sure Practice sounding out words e.g. s-a-t sat, p-i-t pit, m-o-p mop
Letter formation Use lots of different mark makers Large scale movements are important to develop strength and co-ordination Let your child mark make or write, praise and then model the correct formation
Sharing Books Every fortnight we will add a “sharing activity” to your child’s book. Talk about the focus given Draw, add photos or pictures, write what your child says and/or encourage your child to write Also tell us about anything interesting you have been doing as a family
Mass at English Martyrs Sunday 1st October 10:30 am Your child and your family will be welcomed into our school and parish community as a pupil at our school. The children will be sharing a song they have learnt. Prayer Journal Your child will take turns to bring home Prayer Bear with his Prayer Journal. With your child, write a prayer which will be shared in class the next day.
Curriculum Letter Thank you for your time, support and positivity. Available on school website Thank you for your time, support and positivity.