Hybrid ROV (HROV) Fiber Optic Cable Design Barbara Fletcher Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center San Diego Barbara.fletcher@navy.mil March 2004
Outline SSC San Diego Introduction Fiber Design and Selection Deployment Canister Design System Integration and Testing Programmatics
Ocean Systems Division Core Capabilities Ocean Engineering Undersea Materials Fiber Optic & Acoustic Communications Undersea Vehicles Undersea Search & Work Systems Diving Rapid Prototyping Test, & Evaluation Electro Optics Unattended Sensors and Systems High Performance Computing & Visualization Rapid prototyping, systems integration and limited production The division’s broad and expert technological base Integration, Test and Evaluation of components and systems in the laboratory and in theater (reconnaissance, surveillance, weapons systems, unmanned vehicles, internetted unattended ground sensors, underwater cables) Electro Optics:Optical system test and evaluation, test planning, integration, ocean truth, data analysis and signal processing. Expertise in the following areas: Laser Technology Infrared Low Light Level TV LIDAR Hyperspectral Imaging Target signature measurements: Target and platform characterization at optical (visible and infrared) frequencies. High-performance computing and visualization: Graphics programming, 3-D modeling, image processing (filtering, compositing, morphing, motion tracking), video processing, hi-performance visualization, and hi-resolution virtual environments. Undersea Materials: Non-metallic and ceramic materials for viewports and deep ocean pressure housings Instructional Systems Technology: Planning, analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation services for technical training and human resource management. Navy training plans development and maintenance. Fiber Optic and Acoustic Communications: High Bandwidth fiber optic communications, Fiber Optic Microcable, Fiber optic connectors, Flying Plug, Tactical Fiber Extension, ADS support, Acoustic communications for shallow and deep ocean applications. Undersea Vehicles: Unmanned undersea vehicles for search and survey (AUSS, MNS), launch and recovery systems, Displays. Undersea Search and Work Systems: Support for manned and unmanned deep submergence systems, including DSV and DSRV programs. Remotely operated vehicle Diving: Military and Civilian divers all Navy qualified to support planning and conducting at-sea tests, organizing logistics for deployments and remote site testing,and u/w facility inspection and repair.
UUV Development Legacy ROV Innovations 1960s→ Over 30 Systems Developed 5+ AUVs 20+ ROVs 5+ Manned Vehicles Several fleet deliveries First ROV- CURV, 1963 First AUV- Free Swimmer, 1978 Continued Innovation to meet USA needs Work Systems 1970s→ Specialty 1970s→ AUVs 1970s→
Fiber Optic Micro Cable (FOMC) Over the past 20 years, SSC SD has: Developed the FOMC specification Developed the precision winding procedure: over 10,000,000 m wound Wound all Navy FOMC coils Extensive experience in fiber modeling Fiber Optic Micro Cable Characteristics 0.032” dia 100 lb. breaking strength Water weight: 1 lb/km 20-km FOMC Coil Pack FOMC Winding Machine
Tether System Requirements Depth 11,000 m Other depth regimes? Range How far from bottom clump? 1 km, ? Varies with depth regime? Survivability Self-weight, current Fish bite- is it an issue? Ship / component motion Hockling / tangling After-use issues Recovery? Reuse? Biodegradability?
Fiber Options
Fiber Analysis Objective Estimate the longitudinal and axial loading of cable Tools SEADYN: known simulation software WHOI Cable: Modifications to meet mission requirements
Fiber Testing Objective Determine the behavior of existing fiber cables at 11,000 m depth Candidate Fibers FOMC SCI Fiber Cogent Fibers
Canister Design Fiber Brake Concept SCI Fiber Dispenser
System Integration and Testing Year 1 Fiber tests: pressure, strength, ? Deployment canisters: payout Year 2 Platform Demonstration ABE ALVIN Year 3 System integration
FY 2004 Schedule HROV Schedule FY 04 Fiber Design / Selection Task Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Fiber Design / Selection Fiber Requirements Determination Fiber Options Review and Analysis Fiber selection Initial fiber testing: pressure, temperature Test fiber purchase, winding Canister Design Initial Concept Detail Design Lab models Shallow Test unit Instrumented Deep unit System Integration and Testing Laboratory Testing Canister deployment test System Ocean Test TBD
Thank you for your time Barbara Fletcher Ocean Technology Branch 2744 Barbara.fletcher@navy.mil 619-553-3859