Water Pollution Poster
Task: Make a poster about causes of water pollution. Take a sheet of blank paper for your poster. Write your name and period # in the TOP RIGHT. At the top, write the definition of water pollution: Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies (e.g. lakes, rivers, oceans, aquifers and groundwater). This damage occurs when pollutants are directly or indirectly put into the water without adequate treatment to remove harmful contaminants.
In the slides coming up:. View some possible causes of water pollution In the slides coming up: * View some possible causes of water pollution. * Illustrate your poster with at least 4 causes. * Label the cause underneath the drawing. * Poster should be neat and colorful. Keep viewing to see some causes of water pollution…
Factories dump chemicals
Sewage from roads and homes
Fracking (Drilling for oil may cause oil to enter an aquifer)
Fertilizers infiltrate groundwater
Motor oil infiltrates groundwater