Non State Terrorism Nations wanting to be states Residuals, Update Non State Terrorism Nations wanting to be states
Unmanned drones from US Operating in Pakistan. Is Two more categories. Unmanned drones from US Operating in Pakistan. Is This an abuse of sovereignty? Non-State Terrorism. Global Organizations that do not represent states, and what to do about them? Consider 9.11, Indonesia and the “War on Terror.” How do states combat this? The military has limited value. Some states accused of “harboring terrorists.”
Nations that are not States Some nations feel they should have sovereignty, since others do, and they feel a common identity. Examples include Basques in Spain, Catalans in Spain, Kurds in Iraq, Turkey and Syria. In Europe, national states may multiply because it does not have much significance, e.g. Scotland. Why should some nations have statehood and others not?
Nationalities in Spain Would it matter if these became countries?