war and conflict Journalism
why do we report on war and conflict? War and conflict is a huge part of journalism.For hundreds of years we have relied on journalism to give us updates on wars from ww1 to Syria. Its important that we learn the truth about what is going on so that at home we can see what is happening internationally as it may affect us either as a nation or personally.
war magazines War and conflict news is delivered to us through means different methods such as a news broadcast, radio and newspapers.There are however also war magazines.
what is a war correspondent? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5HCcaPQb_M A war corespondent is a journalist who covers news first hand from a war zone. They must work to interview civilians and military personal and report the truth using evidence. Kate Adie Christiane Amanpour Micheal Nicholson Antony Lloyd
James foley James Foley was an American journalist who worked as a freelance war correspondent in Syria.He was captured in November of 2012 by ISIS. His captures reportedly asked for 100 million euros in exchange for Foley's release.Then as a response to Iraq air strikes islamic state beheaded James Foley making him the first American citizen to be killed by ISIS. His beheading was posted to youtube titled “A message to America”.
Responsibility and power of a journalist They tell you what is happening You have to take their word for it They could be used to create narratives. For example, First World War and Iraq. They represent an entire nation Do you go with what they want to hear or what is actually happening?
Syria http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-middle-east- 27469438/anthony-loyd-kidnapped-and-beaten-in-syria The war in Syria started in 2011.In 2016 it was estimated that the death count was around 400,000 and will continue to rise. Journalists face extreme danger in Syria as they are now targeted specifically. 153 Syrian journalists have reportedly been killed by IS according to the Syrian journalist association.
Iraq https://youtu.be/B1PPNfGVW0s In 2003, the UK and the US invaded Iraq and this was a move that was widely criticised by the general public. To justify this move, the US pulled down a Saddam Hussein statue, and portrayed it in the media as if it was a huge event. The problem was, there were around 200 people there, but the camera shots made it look as if there were thousands. Iraq were not completely innocent themselves as they monitored and sometimes expelled journalists from companies like CNN and Al Jazeera. They had also staged events in support for Saddam Hussein to show “support”.
Kahoot time!!!! https://play.kahoot.it/#/k/048606ca-e969-40d4-b0ae-0b5a8942d2e9