Top 10 reasons to take UGalapagos Fall 2012 semester Point out Miami (just barely visible at the top of the image). You fly straight south to Quito, then over the the Galapagos islands (yellow circle).s
10. Little added cost Regular tuition and all scholarships and aid apply. The program fee of $6650 is comparable to room and board in Miami, and all costs in the Galapagos (including Galapagos travel, lodging, meals and field trips) are covered. Students must purchase a round-trip ticket to Quito and pay visa, entry and exit fees of ~ $220.
9. Learn Spanish Spanish fluency is not required, but home stays are a great way to learn and improve one’s ability to speak Spanish.
8. Get up close and personal Galapagos wildlife is legendarily fearless of humans. You can snorkel with penguins and seals! You can watch wildlife live their lives, right in front of you.
7. See unique species Many species, such as this Galapagos hawk, are found only in the Galapagos Islands (are endemic).
6. Understand the challenge of conservation The human/nature interface in the Galapagos amply and abundantly illustrates the problems of preserving nature in the face of human needs.
5. Intense, small classes* Each of the five, three-credit courses is taught SEQUENTIALLY for two weeks with a one-week break between the third and fourth courses. Where else would you be able to go on a field trip by mountain bike? (Photo: Dave Janos describing Brugmansia candida flower.) * ...and effective recommendation letters from illustrious faculty!
4. Because you learn best when “hands on” UGalapagos courses de-emphasize the classroom.
3. Outreach to a small, rural community Pre-meds in particular may appreciate the opportunity for service projects with the community. These projects are requested by the local community, and are warmly welcomed. 3. Outreach to a small, rural community
All those going on to a professional school, be it Med School, Vet school, Grad school or other need a means to make their application stand out. These schools LOOK for people who are more than grinds; they look for those who have done noteworthy, adventurous, meaningful activities. For this purpose, UGalapagos is a knockout! Imagine talking in your interviews about how UGalapagos changed your life! 2. Make your CV and medical school applications stand out from the crowd
1. Satisfy degree requirements Biology One BIL core requirement Three lab/field courses Three BIL electives Gen Ed requirement (People and Society) Honors (HON) course option Three Writing (WRI) credits 17 life-changing credit hours Courses also meet many MSC, MAF, ECS requirements. Photo: Sulfur mine in the caldera of Sierra Negra volcano. There IS time to ENJOY the Galapagos Islands in addition to studying them! See web site for descriptions of courses and for application information.