For more information, please contact Melanie Davenport, 650-482-2237 Step 1: Register into RCSD (if you are new to RCSD)* Determine neighborhood school: Fill out Student Registration Form: Go to your neighborhood school on November 7, 2015 OR to the District Office, 750 Bradford Street November 9-January 8, 2016 When you register, bring the following documents: Proof of birthday Proof of residence Health records Complete online forms in the spring when you receive your registration code Step 2: Apply for Schools of Choice Decide if you will apply for a school other than your assigned neighborhood school If you plan to attend your assigned neighborhood school, you do NOT need to submit a Schools of Choice application If you want to attend a school other than your assigned neighborhood school, please fill out a Schools of Choice online application November 9,2015- January 8, 2016: February 26, 2016: Use your Schools of Choice confirmation code to determine placement/waitlist Confirm your placement by March 4, 2015 For more information, please contact the RCSD Registration Office, 650-482-2292 For more information, please contact Melanie Davenport, 650-482-2237 * If you are applying to transfer from outside the district, apply for Schools of Choice first. After you are placed, you will register in RCSD and get an inter-district transfer from your home school district.