Primary Care Transformation Hub Health Systems Transformation
Purpose of your hub To transform primary care practice to systematically take action to improve the social, behavioral and community determinants that are shaping patient and population health. To create a continuum between primary care and community. To engage a critical mass of primary ocare practices on this journey. To catalyze policy and payment changes that will support transformation.
Partners creating your hub Prevention Institute Practical Playbook Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaborative HealthBegins Harvard Medical School Center for Primary Care Institute for Healthcare Improvement Professional societies
Timeline for your hub Hub design October Launch November Design meeting December Engage critical mass of primary care practice leaders - March
Activities you are planning on doing Sharing promising practices & case studies Using social media to increase understanding of our goals Cultivating a community of practice
How can others get involved? Come talk to one of us! Leslie Mikkelsen: Rea Pañares: Soma Stout: