At Keene Middle School Jan. 10, 2013 Art & Technology At Keene Middle School Jan. 10, 2013
Art Curriculum The art curriculum at Keene Middle School supports, and continues to build upon, the district’s elementary programs. Grade 6 1-point perspective Learning activities and assignments in Art class are based on the New Hampshire and National Visual Arts Standards. These Standards focus on: the unique opportunities for learning development of personal skills & interests making meaningful connections inherent in understanding and making art
Art Curriculum Focus The Elements and Principles of Design are explored more in depth. In each grade, students will have opportunities to explore two- and three-dimensional design using a variety of media and techniques including: drawing painting clay work sculpture In addition to studio art activities, students will: be introduced to exemplary art works and artists from our own and different cultures learn a vocabulary of art terms work to develop an appreciation for the formal and expressive qualities in their own art and that of others. printmaking collage bookmaking
Art – Grade 6 Projects Clay Ice Cream Dishes Using the pottery wheel Print Making
Art – Grade 7 Projects 2-point Perspective Watercolor Painting Chalk Drawing
Art – Grade 8 Projects Clay Tea Pots Painting Pop-Art Portraits
Technology Curriculum Standards The Nature of Technology: characteristics & scope. core concepts relationships & connections between technology & other topics Technology and Society: cultural, social, economic, and political effects effects of technology on the environment role of society in the development & use of technology influence of technology on history. Design: design process engineering design methods & equipment troubleshooting, research and development, invention and innovation, experimentation and problem solving.
Technology Curriculum Standards Abilities for a Technological World: Students will develop abilities to: Apply the design process. Use and maintain technological products and systems. Assess the impact of products and systems. The Designed World: Students will develop an understanding of and be able to select and use: medical technologies agricultural and related biotechnologies energy and power technologies information and communication technologies transportation technologies manufacturing technologies construction technologies
Industrial Applications Industrial Applications is a required course taken for one quarter in either grade 7 or Grade 8 at Keene Middle School. The course includes: Industrial Safety Design & Engineering Units Bridge Design/Building CO2 Dragster Design/Manufacturing Drafting Fundamentals Modular Unit work Students select and complete 3 units from the choices below Video Production Forensics Technology CNC Milling Electricity/Electronics Woodworking Graphics/Monogramming Video Game Development Architecture Environmental Water Testing Aerodynamics/Flight Plastics Manufacturing Lasers & Fiber Optics Lego Robotics
Industrial Applications As a study, students learn how technology can be defined as our human ability to shape and change the physical world… This course provides an opportunity for students to learn about and use tools, processes, and materials related to the technology of the 21st century. Bridge Testing CO2 Dragsters
Exploring Industry Applications Real World Learning Hands-on activities Exploring Industry Applications Small group Modular work
Computer Applications Computer Applications is a required course taken for one quarter each year at Keene Middle School. Each grade level of the course includes: Acceptable Use Policy Keyboarding skills Basic productivity tools (Microsoft Office) Graphic design fundamentals Presentations The courses begin with exploratory concepts that transition to more challenging skill building activities and projects from year to year. Touch-Typing is tested to help them reach the high school’s entry-level requirement of 25 words-per-minute.
Computer Applications Grade 6 Intro to Touch-Typing MicroType QWERTY Keyboard MS Word Block Letters 1-page Essay Formatting MS Excel Spreadsheet Data Entry Simple Charts MS PowerPoint Visual Presentations Portfolio Artifacts
Computer Applications Grade 7 Touch-Typing Practice MicroType Speed & Accuracy MS Word Business Letters Academic Formatting Graphics Integration MS Excel Spreadsheet Data Entry Charts/Graphs MS PowerPoint Visual Presentations 2-D Animated Slide Shows Portfolio Artifact
Computer Applications Grade 8 Touch-Typing Applied MicroType Speed & Accuracy 50wpm MS Word Business Applications Academic Formatting Graphics Integration MS Publisher Tri-fold Brochures Newsletters MS Excel Spreadsheet Data Entry Formulas Charts/Graphs MS PowerPoint Informational Presentations 3-D Presentations Portfolio Artifact
New Hampshire ICT Literacy Standards for K-12 Students Computer Applications focus curriculum on NH ICT (Information & Communication Technology) standards Develop knowledge of ethical, responsible use of technology tools in a society that relies heavily on knowledge of information in its decision-making. Become proficient in the use of 21st century tools to access, manage, integrate, evaluate, and create information within the context of the core subjects. Use 21st century tools to develop cognitive proficiency in: Literacy; Numeracy; Problem solving; Decision making; and Spatial / visual literacy
New Hampshire ICT Literacy Standards for K-12 Students Use 21st century tools to develop technical proficiency at the foundational knowledge level using: Hardware; Software applications; Networks; and Elements of digital technology Create digital portfolios which represent proficiency, knowledge of ethical issues, and the responsible use of 21st century tools throughout the district’s curriculum. Student Artifact Example: Internet Safety & KMS Acceptable Use Policy Formatted as Top-Down Web