NACLIN-2017 Quality Assurance and Building Professional Competency in LIS Education and Training: Issues and Concerns in Digital Environment Prof. Pravakar Rath
Understanding the Facts Leading towards Knowledge Society and Knowledge economy Infinite Digital Universe and Digital Resource Challenging National and Global Job Market Capacity Building and Up skilling of LIS Workforce Providing Quality LIS education at Par with International Standards
Quality Assurance and Adoption of Standards To full fill customer’s satisfaction morale satisfaction of the employees improve credibility, prestige, status enhances image and visibility of the institution within and outside the country.
Some Quality Indicators: Internationalization of LIS Education Need Based Curriculum Competent Faculty Instructional Technology Support Collaboration and Partnership Need for National Accreditation Agency
Capacity Building (Skills and Competencies) ICT Skills: Dedicated and dynamic library website Automatic Check-in and Check-out Digital Library System and Services Application of RFID and Barcode Technology Open Source and Open Access Initiatives Institutional/Knowledge Repositories Application of Web 2.0/3.0 Technologies-Social networking features and services Library Portals and Gateways
E-Resources: Sources and Services (Access and Sharing) Virtual Reference Desk/ Ask a Librarian service to response to active reference service Mobile Alerting Services E-Publishing Design and Delivery of digital content on Library Portal Using Mobile App , Remote Desktops to view and avail library service Provision of E-book Readers for Library Users
Personality Development Skills Attitude, Appearance, Time and Stress Management Skill Professional Communication Skills (Verbal, Non-Verbal,& Written) Communication –Understanding the Audience, Presentation, Body Language,Interpersonal Skills and ability to listening Skill Marketing Skills & Public Relations (Marketing Planning and Strategy, Publicity and promotion, Public Relations and Liasoning with Library Authority and Patrons
Leadership and Vision (Organizational Ability, Team Leadership and Problem Solving, Project Management, Annual Plan, Five-Year & Perspective Plan, Disaster Management, Conflict and Crisis Management Visionary and Futuristic Approach, Preparation of Vision Document, Negotiation Skills & Strategies
Management Skills: Vision- “Looking ahead Leadership- To build and lead a team with foresightness and ability to transform Innovations and Best Practices-“Think outside the Box” and set example by adopting healthy practices Public Relation and Marketing
Project Management Problem Solving Resource Generation and Mobilisation Collaboration and Partnership Appreciation /Tolerance Comfort and Humour
Quality Assurance in LIS Education and Training: Issues and Concerns Academic and Professional Issues A proper balance and coordination among the educators, practitioners and researchers can resolve most of the academic and professional issues aiming at quality in library and information services.
Technological Issues Adoption and applications of technological tools and techniques as compulsory component of LIS education and training allows professional competency building and capacity development of LIS learners which contribute to proper functioning of libraries and professionals should not hesitate in adopting these technologies in their work places even for their own professional development. The open source and open access initiatives are a great boon to the library professionals to develop technologically and professionally.
Management Issues A transition from traditional to modern digital library system A challenges in managing the libraries with due approval from authorities. A shift from licensed software to open source software, traditional printed books to e-resources, priced publications to open access publications are always issues before the library authorities in which library professionals need to convince the pros and cons of the changed policies in the greater interest of the institutions and users at large.
Formulate a National Policy on Library and Information System A clear vision for the development of Libraries, LIS education and research as national policy to provide a direction to the future librarianship which in turn could supplement socio-educational and cultural development and nation building as well.
To Sum Up Quality of Library and Information Services depends on Quality of Manpower In other words, the quality of library and information science education determines to a large extent the quality of library and information services available to customers LIS education must be revamped, redesigned by adopting innovative methods and techniques to meet the needs of knowledge based society
The field of library and information science education is a dynamic one (Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary) Therefore Quality Assurance in LIS Education and Building Professional Competency are Issues and Concerns in the Digital Environment
Thank You Very Much Prof. Pravakar Rath Department of Library and Information Science Mizoram University (A Central University) Aizawl-796004 E-mail: