Impact of Climate Change on the Himalayan Ecosystem INDIA@COP22 Impact of Climate Change on the Himalayan Ecosystem G.B. Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment & Sustainable Development Kosi-Katarmal, Almora 263 643, India
The Himalayan ecosystem is highly vulnerable both due to anthropogenic and environmental perturbations. The vulnerability of the region is likely to be exacerbated by the impacts of climate change.
Side event attempts to highlight emerging needs for evolving new paradigms of conservation and sustainable development that help restoring intricate balance between economic interests and ecological imperatives in the region under changing climate scenario. Sharing of multi-sector evidences pertaining to climate change impacts on the Himalaya Situation analysis and future directions of programmes and policies Emerging needs for evolving new paradigms of conservation and sustainable development under changing climate
Thematic coverage… Himalayan Ecosystem under changing climate - knowledge and capacity building initiatives in Indian Himalayan Region Climate Change Sensitivity of Himalayan Flora Impact of Climate Change on Himalayan Faunal Diversity Conservation and climate change adaptation - experiences from transboundary landscape initiative in west Himalaya Linking Climate Risks to Policy and Practice: Experiences from the HI-AWARE initiative on Himalayan Ecosystem
Expected outcomes include key inputs for developing strategic plan for addressing issues of Climate Change impacts on Himalayan Ecosystem