Don’t Lag Behind Mission over past 13 years has been to help Community colleges Make better decisions, guide intervention Brad Phillips Institute for Evidence-Based Change President / CEO Michael Taft ZogoTech Founder / CEO
An Exercise What one thing are you hoping to gain from this session?
Leading & Lagging Indicators Leading indicators are in your control and lead to your hoped-for success Lagging indicators are not in your direct control and are influenced by your leading indicators Lagging Indicators = Big Goal Leading Indicators = Evidence of Progress
Leading and Lagging Indicators In our own lives Lagging indicator: Weight loss Leading indicators: food intake, calorific intake, exercise In our work life Lagging indicator: Completion (degree, certificate, transfer) Leading indicators: successful course completion, persistence, student goals
An Example: Odessa College Their situation Did not have access to good data Acquired ZogoTech software and used it Focused on course retention and successful course completion Implemented professional development with faculty and staff in a variety of areas: D4C, AVID strategies, meta majors, 8 week courses (80% of all courses offered) Results: Average 96% course retention Course success rates about 77% Gap closed Graduation rate increased by 65%
If You Had to Pick One Indicator to Improve Choose a middle indicator… Persistence
Aligning Problems to High-Impact Research- Based Practices
Technology is only part of the answer
Where are those leading / lagging indicators? Pre-Enrollment Demographics / Non-cognitive SIS, Noel-Levitz Prev Academic Work NSC While Enrolled Behavior SIS, DegreeWorks Services contacts, Starfish, SARS, TutorTrac, etc. Engagement CCSSE Outcomes SLO information Post-Enrollment Transfer / Graduation 4 year NSC Employment / Standard of Living Wage data Broadest and deepest dataset for community colleges
We democratize access to data Transformational layer Best Practices Defined metrics Business Rules/ Common Data Definitions Aggregated/ derived information Nightly Trend reporting / analysis
Student Success Points How long does it take students to graduate once they have completed one of several gateway courses? The data here show that College Level Algebra is a huge gateway course (even double that of English and History)
Dev Ed Progression Above: Shows which level of Math students started in on left (FTIC Math Level) versus where they are now on top (Latest Math Level)
Proactive Advising
How Are Students Moving Along the Developmental Education Pathway? Above: First Time In College (FTIC) Math Level (rows) versus Latest Math Level (columns)
What do we want to know? Which students are likely to drop-out? What are general characteristics of non-returners? What is probability a student will achieve a momentum point? What are toxic course combinations? What are predictors of success in an academic program?
Biggest Predictor of Not Returning? Enrolled less than half-time GPA < 1.5 Lowest level of dev math Aged 18-19
Don’t Lag Behind Mission over past 13 years has been to help Community colleges Make better decisions, guide intervention Brad Phillips Institute for Evidence-Based Change President / CEO Michael Taft ZogoTech Founder / CEO