1 Mentor teachers sharing practical knowledge with student teachers: the experienced effectiveness and practicality of a collaborative mentoring model in school-based teacher education Van Velzen, Volman, & Brekelmans ATEE 2010
2 Coming up the next minutes Why this project A mentoring model aimed at sharing practical knowledge Formative evaluation of experienced practicality and effectiveness: research questions context and data collection data analysis results conclusion and discussion Practical interest. Overview Van Velzen, Volman, & Brekelmans ATEE 2010
3 Initiation of the research project Van Velzen, Volman,& Brekelmans. ATEE 2010 Research: the individual mentor in the centre of the attention (e.g. Crasborn & Hennissen, 2010) and mentoring quality stays problematic. Professional development : focus on the school-based teacher educator (e.g. VELON professional sbte standard). Collaboration and tuning sbte and mentor: suboptimal (NVAO, 2009; VU, 2007). Coaching and mentoring mainly aimed at emotional and technical support, less at acknowledgement and use of practical teacher knowledge. Why this project? School-based teacher education:
4 Mentoring model Van Velzen, Volman, Brekelmans. ATEE 2010 Starting point: specified Cognitive Apprenticeship Model (Van Velzen & Volman, 2009). Base: highly structured, focus on professional learning and emphasize professional collaboration (Wong, Britton and Ganser, 2005). Model: Collaborative Apprenticeship Model (Glazer & Hannafin, 2006). Characteristic: mentor and sbte working together. Mentoring aimed at: making practical knowledge explicit by showing, discussing and reflection. Mentoring model: background
5 Mentoring model in scheme Van Velzen, Volman, Brekelmans. ATEE 2010 WhatBy whom Design principles Preparing conversationSbte and student teacherFormulate learning questions as focus in observation and conversations Cycle1: Pre-lesson conversation Lesson 1.1 Post-lesson conversation Mentor and student teacher Mentor Mentor and student teacher Discuss lesson plan Show expert teacher behaviour related to students’ needs in practice Discuss enactment Pre-lesson conversation Les 1.2 Post-lesson conversation Mentor and student teacher Discuss lesson plan Showing and scaffolding in collaborative practice Discuss enactment Pre-lesson conversation Les 1.3 Post-lesson conversation Mentor and student teacher Student teacher Mentor and student teacher Discuss lesson plan Show student teacher behaviour in practice Discuss enactment Evaluation and preparing new cycle Discuss concept maps Sbte, student teacher (and mentor) Mentor, student teacher and sbte Formulate new learning questions and focus points derived from the competences needed Enhance awareness of practical knowledge Cycle2: idem cycle 1 except for: one post-lesson conversation: stimulated recall based on recorded lesson Mentor and student teacherDiscuss and reframe observations and assumptions related with special events chosen by the student teacher and the mentor Mentoring model: design
6 Formative Evaluation: research questions 1.How do participants experience the practicality and effectiveness of the collaborative mentoring approach? 2.Which conditions contribute to the experienced practicality and effectiveness of the collaborative mentoring approach ? Formative evaluation research (Nieveen, 2007) Van Velzen, Volman, Brekelmans. ATEE 2010
7 Context, participants, data collection Partner school in a sbte partnership. 3 teams: mentor, sbte and student teacher. Participants informed and trained before enacting the approach. Van Velzen, Volman, Brekelmans. ATEE 2010 Interviews: individual participants before, after and in between 2 cycles. Concluding interview with student teachers; mentors and sbte. Quick scan. Logs by mentors, logs and portfolio student teachers. Formative evaluation research
8 Data analysis Based on verbatims of all interviews. Statements on experienced practicality, effectiveness and conditions identified. Content analysis completed with statements from other sources. Matrix of statements per actor. Comparison statements in and between teams. Van Velzen, Volman, Brekelmans. ATEE 2010 Formative evaluation research
9 Results experienced effectiveness and practicality Model useful and effective in sharing knowledge. Conversations deeper and relevant for student teachers’ development. Growing awareness of practical knowledge (mentors and sbte). Improved role division mentor and sbte. Reciprocal learning student teacher’s and mentors. Formative evaluation research Van Velzen, Volman, Brekelmans. ATEE 2010
10 Results: conditions Important conditions: structure: cycles and focus on learning needs student teacher; acknowledgement teaching expertise mentors; stimulated recall as mentoring tool; mentoring time; mentor scaffolding by researcher (first cycle). Impediments: time for deliberation and consultation; lack of support mentors (organization and content) in school. Formative evaluation research Van Velzen, Volman, Brekelmans. ATEE 2010
11 Further improvement communication and tuning sbte and mentors, embedding in school organization. Mentors better informed on latest developments in (school) subject and pedagogical content knowledge. Prepare student teachers on learning at the work place and mining their mentors’ mind. Complementary conditions Formative evaluation research Van Velzen, Volman, Brekelmans. ATEE 2010
12 Conclusion and discussion Model is effective and useful but sharing practical knowledge is difficult and lasting support is needed. Research to be broadened to other schools and to organizational embedding and gearing guiding activities. Role of the researcher as role model important for professional learning of mentors. Formative evaluation research Van Velzen, Volman, Brekelmans. ATEE 2010
13 Interest for practice Enhanced attention in the further development of school-based teacher education: Acknowledgement of vocational expertise of mentors. Further support, learning possibilities for mentors; New demands in mentor recruitment. Role division and clarification between mentor, sbte and ibte. Preparing student teachers. Practical interest Van Velzen, Volman, Brekelmans. ATEE 2010
14 More questions, more information? Corinne van Velzen And thanks for your attention! Know more? Van Velzen, Volman, Brekelmans. ATEE 2010